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How to Write a Children's Book in 30 Days or Less!

By: Caterina Christakos

How to Write a Childrens Book in 30 Days or Less!

The first time I attempted to write a children's book it took me
three months and several years of promising myself I would do
it "one day." In that time I managed to wash the dog a
million times, rearrange my closet, get my apartment so clean
that they should have done a commercial about it and
procrastinate in ways that gave the word a new name.

When I actually sat down to write the book it took me two days
and that was with editing. That is the longest that it has taken
me to write a children's book since then and in reality, unless
you are writing an epic it will not take you more than that
period of time to write yours either, after you read this article.

Why then the title, " How to Write a Children's book in 30 days
or less?" So that you will have time to wash the dog, clean the
closets and get Mr. Clean to personally come in and interview
you, in addition to writing a children’s book that you will
treasure forever.

The Six Keys to Getting Past Procrastination

-Visualize- Visualize your goal. Visualize your Story. Visualize
your life the way you want it to be.

-Prepare- Prepare your work space. Prepare your family for your
writing schedule. Prepare yourself for all the possiblities that
will open up to you.

-Create- Create an environment that you can work in. Create
characters that you will enjoy spending time with. Create an
entire world for them to come to life in.

-Announce- Announce out loud to yourself every morning what your
goal is. Announce to those supportive of you that you are
finally going to put pen to paper. Announce your need for their
support and cooperation.

-Collaborate- Collaborate with other writers for ideas.
Collaborate with your children and find out what kids actually
want to hear about. Collaborate with librarians in your area to
see what types of stories are selling.

-Procceed- Proceed with your plan every day. Proceed to add
pictures and ideas to your treasure map. Proceed toward the
future that you deserve.

If you follow these six steps diligently, you should have
more than enough time to write your book, give Fido his bathand make sure that your summer clothes are at the front of your
closet. Good luck and have fun.

Caterina Christakos
click here for an autographed copy of How to Write a Childrens Book in 30 Days or Less!

Caterina Christakos is a published children's book and how to author, as well as a freelance travel writer. Her work has been viewed both nationally and internationally.

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