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How to Quickly and Easily Use The.......

By: Yanik Silver

How to Quickly and Easily Use The
World's Easiest & Most Effective
Headline Formula

Did you notice the title for this article?

Of course, it's a headline. That's right! And it uses a shop-worn classic format which still continues to amaze me with its power. Just 2 simple words...

"How To...."

Stick with me on this, I know it sounds too easy, but it's not.

The simple, lowly "How to" headline is still tops in my book for simplicity and effectiveness. You really cannot go
wrong with it. The 'how to' headline is so versatile. You can follow it with several benefits, a question, an offer, almost anything - and it works great!

In fact, using the 'how to' formula is one of the best places to start when writing headlines because it forces
you to think of what your product/service actually does for
the person.

Here are a couple of winning examples to get your juices flowing:

~ How to Collect from Social Security at Any Age

~ How To Get FIVE Money-Making Web Sites In 29 Minutes Or
Less...Without Spending A Fortune!

~ How to avoid the biggest mistake you can make in building or buying a home

~ How to cruise the world for $19 a day

~ How to get Enthusiastic Applause - Even a Standing Ovation
- Every Time You Speak (Ted Nicholas)

~ How To Win Friends And Influence People

~ How to make your car invisible to radar and laser!

~ How to make your computer as easy to use as your telephone

~ How to fix cars

Check out the last winning headline on our list - "how to
fix cars". I mean it really can't get any simpler than
that, but it works...and it works big time!

Now here are a few "How to..." headlines you can plug-in
and use right away when brainstorming:

"How to" Formulas

How to get ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
How to have ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
How to keep ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
How to start ~~~~~~~~~~~~
How to begin ~~~~~~~~~~~~
How to become ~~~~~~~~~~~
How to improve your ~~~~~~~~~~~
How to develop ~~~~~~~~~~~
How to get the most out of ~~~~~~~~~~~
How to avoid ~~~~~~~~~~~
How to end ~~~~~~~~~~~
How to get rid of ~~~~~~~~~~~
How to conquer ~~~~~~~~~~~
How to enjoy ~~~~~~~~~~~

Even just adding the word "how" in front of a headline
gives it an additional appeal. Compare these 2 examples:

#1 A strange accident saved me from baldness

#2 How a strange accident saved me from baldness

Which one is more compelling? I think you'll agree #2 does
the trick. And that one is a winning headline used over and

Okay, but maybe the tried and true "how to" is too boring
for you. No problem! Spice it up by adding a little
something before the 'how to'

Here's HOW TO...

Discover HOW TO...

If you think a 12% annual return on your money is good,
here's HOW TO set your sights on 100% or more

All new course reveals HOW TO use Pop-Ups to double your
opt-in rate, explode your sales, and squeeze up to 300%
more revenue out of each visitor to your Web site!
(Jonathan Mizel)

I'll show you HOW TO hit golf shots as straight as you can
point, or this video golfing lesson is free...and I'll pay
you $25 for wasting your time! (Jeff Paul)

Ohio man discovers the secret of HOW TO escape the American
Rat Race

Or if you still want to change it up a little - just use
"How you...." or "How I..." like these winning examples:

HOW I earn my living in 4 hours a day

HOW YOU Can Make Well Over $300,000.00 Per Year As A Real
Estate Agent Working Less Than 40 Hours A Week.... Have A
Top Income AND A Life..... And NEVER Have To Make A Call
You Dread Or Waste Your Time With Unrealistic Sellers Or
Insincere Buyers, Ever Again (Craig Proctor)

I think you'll agree for getting the most bang for your
buck - "how to" headlines are the way to go.

Now you can instantly double the profits of any Ad,
email, website or sales letter" Sneak away with every
single trick, tactic, formula, shortcut, strategy and
jealously-guarded secret the Internet's #1 most-celebrated
copywriter uses to create huge piles of cash at will!
Go Here => http://www.UltimateCopyWorkshop.com

Yanik Silver is the author, creator and publisher of several best-selling ebooks, courses and information
for business owners and Internet entrepreneurs.

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