It sounds easy, doesn't it? Just send out a few sales letters,
mention what you're selling and why people should buy it and
that's about all there is to it.
Well, yes ... and no.
Sadly, the Internet has seen an increase in the number (and
intensity) of hype-mail. You know the sort of thing: "Secrets
Revealed - Earn $10,000 a Week, Starting Now!!!"
Such over-the-top methods may have worked for a short
time, but people have developed a healthy cynicism about
these "offers" and now any business that sends out letters
with unrealistic promises is going to lose credibility fast.
So, how do you get your message across to your potential
customers and maintain your credibility?
There are five key points to remember when preparing your
sales material - all equally important:
People Like Dealing with Other People
In the early days of the Internet, all small businesses were
enthralled by the notion that they could portray themselves
as huge enterprises. So you'd find sites that never used a
singular personal pronoun, ever. It was always, "contact
us"... "send us your suggestions" ... "our staff are waiting to
..." and so on. I know, because I did just this when I started
my own site. Like so many others, I felt customers would
only want to deal with a Big Operation.
But, people like doing business with other people, not with
huge conglomerates. We're a gregarious lot, we humans, we
enjoy the company of our fellows, so make it clear in your
message that you are a real person. Don't be embarrassed to
admit that you're the sole operator, in fact, this is a very
positive benefit for many customers because it ensures that
they'll receive personal attention.
People Are Busy
Despite all we were promised back in the 70s and 80s,
technological advances have not led to increased leisure time,
but just the opposite. Studies have shown that the majority
of people are working longer hours now than they were two
or three decades ago.
This means that time is precious, so don't waffle. Get straight
to the point in your message. Tell your prospects in the first
sentence what it is you're offering and why it will benefit them.
People Like Directions
This is directly related to the previous point - people don't
have time to play guessing games with you. Tell them,
exactly, what you'd like them to do and they're much more
likely to do it. Don't leave them looking for a missing page
which explains the reason for the message, state it up front.
Don't make them search for phone or fax numbers to call, list
them clearly. Don't make it necessary to type in an e-mail
address or URL, put in a hyperlink if you're sending out
e-mail messages.
People Like the Simple Approach
Again, this is directly related to the scarcity of spare time in
our modern lives. It's quicker to read a series of short
sentences which are arranged in short paragraphs than it is
to wade through long, complex sentences and slabs of
unrelieved paragraphs.
Incorporate one (count it ...1...) idea in each paragraph.
Use plenty of action words, forget the
adverbs and the adjectives, they're just there for decoration.
It's the nouns and verbs that get your message across.
So don't wax lyrical about, "...the smooth, flowing lines of the
new Whizzo cleaner that make it glide like silk across your
floors ..." Just tell us that, "Whizzo cleaners get the job done
People Appreciate Professionalism
These people are your potential customers, the people who
are going to pay you money to help keep you in the manner
to which you have become accustomed, so don't insult them
by sending out anything that isn't as perfect as you can make
it. This means that you must proof read your letter, several
times, before sending it out. You'd be amazed at just how
easy it is to read what you meant to write, instead of what
you've actually written. This is why it's also a good idea to
have someone else read your letter before it goes out.
It's fine to be informal, in fact, it's better than the corporate
jargon that passes for language in many large companies, but
this doesn't mean that you can be careless or sloppy. You
still need to choose your words with care, so that the
message is clearly conveyed. It's also important to read your
message aloud, to make sure it sounds right and that it flows
Check for repetition in words and phrases, sometimes,
repetition can be used effectively to emphasise certain key
points, but repetition that is simply the result of laziness is not
good. The following example (from an article by Bill Gates)
shows an effective use of repetition:
"If the 1980s were about quality and the 1990s were about
reengineering, then the 2000s will be about velocity. About
how quickly the nature of business will change. About how
quickly business itself will be transacted. About how
information access will alter the lifestyle of consumers and
their expectations of business."
This one is not effective:
"Whizzo cleaners are great and give a great finish to all
surfaces. Give your whole house a great new look with
The final point to consider is the timing of your message.
Even though we live in a global village now and day is night
and night is day, it's still possible to time when your
prospects will receive your message. Studies have shown
that people are most receptive to new messages mid-week,
so aim to have your letter or e-mail arrive on Wednesday or
Jennifer Stewart has had her own web-based business at since 1998, offering professional
writing services for business people who cant spare the time
to write. If you need sales letters, but feel you couldn't write
your way out of a wet paper bag, try this: