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How to Be a Professional Writer

By: L. C. Peterson

In my first ten years as a part-time writer I sold 400
manuscripts; including two books and a monthly column.
This was accomplished with no English or writing degree or
experience. I have been asked "How did I publish so many
manuscripts so quickly? " Here's what I did.

In my study of the freelance writing field and my experience
selling, I discovered eight basic steps that
showed I was serious as a writer. Apply these steps to
your work and editors will see you as a professional writer
they can depend on.

-Bring a business mind to your work. Writing is a business.

-Act professionally. Don't be too casual in your
conversations or appearance. For example, when first selling
don't mention or make excuses for your lack of sales.

-Learn the process of creating, rewriting, and editing. Your
work represents your knowledge and abilities.

-Meet deadlines. Don't put editors in a bind.

-Be accurate. Show you know what you are talking about.

-Know the copyright laws. Protect your rights.

-Develop a record system. Know what manuscripts are where
and what rights you have left to resell.

-Learn how to market your work. Agents are not useful or
needed in every genre or writing field.

If you apply these eight steps to your work they will speed the
number and quality of your manuscript sales. You will
build a reputation as a writer editors can depend on and readers
will enjoy.

L. C. Peterson is a writer and web
marketing consultant. Other articles and writer's tips can
be found at http://www.salesandtales.com. A freelance writing
tutorial can be requested at mailto:writingclass@sendfree.com.

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