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How To Write Articles That Get Read

By: Ken Hill

Writing articles can successfully drive more free targeted traffic to your website, and substantially increase your profits online.

To help you get started, I've provided the following tips to show you how to write your own profitable articles -- articles that capture your readers' attention and that e-zine publishers
would like to place in their publication.

1. Put a lot of thought into the title of your article.

A good title will grab your readers' attention and encourage them to read through your article.

2. Keep the introduction and conclusion of your article short.

3. Keep your article focused on one topic.

4. Provide resources to your readers that deal with the subject of your article.

5. Write your article as a list of tips.

This is a very easy and effective way to present your information and hold your readers' interest.

When writing your article, keep your tips brief, even just two or three lines, and use numbers to list the tips in your article. This will allow your readers to go quickly from one tip to the next as well as keep your article neatly organized and easy to read.

6. Write a how-to article.

This type of article shows your readers step-by-step how they can reach an objective such as successfully promoting an affiliate program, or making an ebook.

When writing your article keep your article focused and to the point, and just like with an article that presents a list of tips, number the steps in your article to make your article
easier to read and to keep it nicely organized.

7. Proofread your articles.

Before you submit your article for publication spell check your article, and go over your article for words you might have omitted or typed twice, as well as words you may have misused
such as using "there" instead of "their."

8. Ask a question to spark your readers interest.

Use a question as the title of your article to entice people to read your article, or ask a question within your article to effectively keep your readers focused on your article.

9. Edit and re-edit your article.

Even after you feel you are done with your article it's a good idea to leave your article for a day or two and then come back to it.

The changes you make to your article after seeing it in a new light, will often be the difference between a good article and a great article.

Article © 2002 by writer Ken Hill. Discover how to successfully
promote your business online by writing articles. Get your FREE 5 part "Beginner's Guide To Profiting With Articles" marketing
course now at mailto:yourfreecourse@zipresponse.com

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