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Help online for free. The Stiffsteiff Bears help site.

By: Malcolm James Pugh

The purpose of this website is to help. Purely and simply to help anyone out there with anything they do not understand. Whether from a how to do it angle, or where to go to get it angle, or why are things this way angle. It tries to take away the fear of the unknown by making things clear, by putting forward people who can be trusted, by putting out opinions and possible helplines to get us all through a very tough world. It is an attempt to show that someone can be bothered to do something for you for nothing, that there are people who can help you, if you have the fire to help yourself. It is an unfair world and we must learn to survive in it and accept it as it is. There is too much emphasis placed on money and escapism, and too little placed on being happy with what you have and using your own common sense to approach problems, instead of running away from them or avoiding them via substances of one form or another.

There is also an abundance of friends websites, and their businesses, as a known place to go which is as far as I am concerned secure, honest and good.

There are adventures of a slightly sinister bunch of Teddy Bears for the kid in all of us, and for a laugh in a grim world.

There are wonderful photos, model trains, cars of quality. There is a medieval bowman, and a wedding venue unparallelled.

There is free advice on how to build your own website, how to index it, and how to get a glow of fifteen minutes of fame when you first see your own website appear on Google.

But the main aim is HELP.

If you have any kind of problem, chances are it can be alleviated a little here,
at the Stiffsteiff teddy bear site for myself and other welcome guests.

Aged 51, I have been through a tough life, if you need help Ive probably been there too.

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