We are a Christian based non-profit email ministry, founded in 1998, by Joyce C. Lock, who was in awe at her first online computer experience to consider the wonderful opportunity God had provided to share her love for the Lord.
Sharing stationery decorated writings began among friends and family, then church. Others requested to receive these emails and the ministry grew.
However, being that Joyce didn't want the focus to be on her, Heavenly Inspirations soon became multi-facetted ... to include numerous authors, poetic contributions also from various web sites, and other ministries also being supplied with material, means of free advertising, and assistance.
Heavenly Inspirations' focus is not on religion, but relationship ~ with God and each other. Being that God gave us gifts to help each other, everything we do, behind the scenes, is to help further His Kingdom by multiplying the seed God gives in as many ways as doors open.
Joyce's message to authors,
on all ability levels, is this ...
"If the Lord lays something upon your heart to write, there are souls waiting for that message. And, whatever the Lord inspires you to write has to be good, as God doesn't do anything inferior. So, if doors don't open right away, save the writing until God's purpose is revealed. God makes all things beautiful, in His time."
What Makes Heavenly Inspirations
Emails Special?
It depends upon who you ask.
~ Stationery Lovers ~
It's the only email source to view the best
Outlook stationery from more than 100 sites,
independent designers, and groups on the net.
Text & Midi or Text Only options are also available.
~ Email Forwarders ~
It provides family friendly, inspirational, heart warming,
and ministering emails that welcome your participation ~
by being the instrumental tool in sharing them with others,
as every author (which is stated "Used by Permission")
has granted permission for their writings to be forwarded.
~ Net Scanners ~
Search no further. Be the first to see inspirational writings from 70 and upward inspirational authors ... as many get their writings proofed here, before online submission.
~ Authors ~
There are 200,000,000 souls potentially available to minister to, via the net, alone.
And, we, at Heavenly Inspirations, take that call seriously.
For those who's desire to use the seed God gives to minister to as many as possible,
to the extent appropriate, your seed is multiplied in this e-group, as well as other e-groups.
Writings used are automatically viewed by multiple web owners who are members of this group.
Preachers gain ideas from and utilize material received.
Some request to use your writings in church bulletins or with S.S. class lessons.
We even submit to a radio station that may read your poetry over the waves.
Opportunity is further available, upon request, to assist you in online submissions.
The sky is the limit, to the extent of your calling, commitment, and God opening doors.
And, the rewards are Heavenly.
~ Christian Growth ~
With all else Heavenly Inspirations has to offer, believe it or not,
most subscribe because they want to overcome obstacles in their life and grow as a person.
People have failed us. We have failed God.
But, God never fails.
~ Others ~
Still, others say they really enjoy
listening to the midis.
~ The People ~
And, last, but not least, what makes Heavenly Inspirations
so truly special is all the loving people who take part in the many facets of this ministry.
Wherever You Fit,
Come Grow With Us!
Heavenly Inspirations comes in three different email formats.
To subscribe or make a change to your Heavenly Inspirations emails,
send a blank email to the addy that best meets your need.
Heavenly Inspirations - Stationery, Text, & Midi
Subscribe: HeavenlyInspirations-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Unsubscribe: HeavenlyInspirations-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
To Receive No Mail (vacation hold): HeavenlyInspirations-nomail@yahoogroups.com
To Change back to normal delivery: HeavenlyInspirations-normal@yahoogroups.com
Heavenly Inspirations - Text & Midi
Subscribe: HeavenlyInspirations-text-midi-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Unsubscribe: HeavenlyInspirations-text-midi-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
To Receive No Mail (vacation hold): HeavenlyInspirations-text-midi-nomail@yahoogroups.com
To Change back to normal delivery: HeavenlyInspirations-text-midi-normal@yahoogroups.com
Heavenly Inspirations - Text Only
Subscribe: HeavenlyInspirations-textonly-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Unsubscribe: HeavenlyInspirations-textonly-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
To Receive No Mail (vacation hold): HeavenlyInspirations-textonly-nomail@yahoogroups.com
To Change back to normal delivery: HeavenlyInspirations-textonly-normal@yahoogroups.com
Also: If you have a Yahoo ID, you can go directly to the site to subscribe
and or make desired changes to your account.
Privacy Notice
Yahoo group options have been pre-selected to protect
the privacy of your email address.
With the exception of words of encouragement for our writers,
your response will be and will remain private.
In addition to being a published author and poet, Joyce C. Lock created the religion column, "Christianity Made Simple" for Peru Daily Tribune, continues to write inspirational articles for area newspapers, and shares further in online and e-mail ministries.