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By: Craig Lock

They do it regularly: with self discipline and dedication.

I may not be one of the best writers around, but I've got
dedication and self discipline (which comes from motivation,
because I love what I do - although it's very hard work).
I try to have fun, whilst I try to earn a living.

Top writers WRITE AND REWRITE - many times over, so the
words flow better each time.

They aim for perfection - very, very hard to achieve; although
one can always improve.

Every time I go through a manuscript, I change things (like
repetitive words, incorrect grammar and punctuation) to try to
get the words to flow better... but one has to draw a halt
somewhere, otherwise my books would never get published.


What do you think are the most common mistakes
of new writers?

Take a coffee break while you do this short

My immediate thoughts:

repetitive words

incorrect grammar

incorrect punctuation

using too many words

The art of good writing, I believe lies in brevity, so omit all
unnecessary words.

It makes the sentence flow more rhythmically, more swiftly.
I find reading a very cerebral (impressive word) activity, that
demands a lot of concentration- so make a conscious effort to
write in a style that's easy to read . Try to make your reading
so easy on the eye, that a child can enjoy (and appreciate) your
writing style.

Now you have all the tools and the talent there should not be
anything to stop you indulging in your creative pursuits. I hope
this information may be helpful to you in your creative writing

"If a man has talent and cannot use it, he has failed. If he has
a talent and uses only half of it, he has partly failed. If he has a
talent and learns somehow to use the whole of it, he has gloriously
succeeded and has a satisfaction and a triumph few men ever know."
-- Thomas Wolfe

"Everyone has a talent. What is rare is the courage to
follow the talent to the dark place where it leads."
-- Erica Jong

Craig Lock is an author of numerous books and the
creator of the ORIGINAL online creative writing
course. http://www.nzenterprise.com/writer/creative.html

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