Author: Arthur Zulu
Contact Author: mailto: controversialwriter@yahoo.com
Copyright: Copyright © Arthur Zulu 2002
Word Count: 700
Web Address: http://www.1stbooks.com/bookview/10975
Publishing Guidelines: Permission is granted to publish this article electronically or in print as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.
By Arthur Zulu
Why, you may ask, must I promote my book? I will tell you the reason with a pitiful picture I saw in an aquarium exhibit. An imprisoned young rainbow trout was looking out embarrassingly through the open mouth of an Alaskan northern pike! Pity the small fish in the belly of the big fish!
And that is the situation in life. The human tritons are swallowing up the human minnows!
It is no wonder then that any where you look, 20% of the people are getting 80% of the best things in life. Or put another way, 80% of all good things belong to 20% of the people. Or, one person succeeds out of five! So, 80% of all best – sellers today are written by 20% of the writers. And, out of about five writers, only one have written a best – seller. Where are the other four?
William Blake said: “Better strangle an infant in its cradle than act unacted desires” Out of five writers that thought of writing, only one wrote. Out of five people that wrote, only one got published. And out of the five that got published, only one became a best – seller. That is the principle of life: Only those who back their desire with action, succeed. For nobody has “ the power to curse the darkness” someone says, “unless he has the courage to light a candle”,
So, if you have written a best – seller, and you fail to promote your book, it will die. You will become a minnow in the belly of the triton. We shall now discuss ways to promote and market your book for best results.
1.Keep Writing
Yes, because that was what gave you fame and fortune in the
first place. This will help you keep in touch with your readers.
You have to write and publish articles, reply critics and answer your readers’ mails. It is not easy. But now you are a man (or woman) of the world. And you have to maintain your status symbol.
What about writing a new book? Of course, your tight schedule does not prevent you from writing another book –- another best-seller. You see, that’s the problem with best-selling authors.
If you have written a best – seller, your readers will be eagerly waiting for another, perhaps a sequel to the first. And it must not be any less interesting than the first. So, you have to beat your own record! No mean task. But not to worry. If you did one, you will do another.
2. Continue to Advertise
Your publisher would already have been doing this. So you may or may not bother about it. Publishers use advertising methods that are most effective for their situations. If you are a self publisher, you may have already known what is working for you, and what is not. Some common promotion methods are through catalogs, sales to bookstores, libraries, schools, organizations, and other institutions; book reviews in newspapers and magazines, and window displays. There are also television and radio ads. And as you have seen in the previous chapter, there are a lot of free and paid ads
available for you in the Internet.
3.Autograph Parties
You, your publisher, or bookstore, may arrange autograph parties, or book signings.
Most book signings are well publicized and attended. So, it is
necessary for you to have sufficient quantities of books to go round. And remember too that apart from autographing books, you have to pose for photographs with your guests. And see that the pressmen are there to publish the story.
4.Grant Interviews
Pressmen are always looking for celebrities to interview. Yes,
be press friendly; grant interviews. But note that you have to
know what to say before granting interviews. Also, note that the interview is a means of letting the public to know more about you, and your works. So, give answers that will help your readers understand you better.
You will have to know, however, that it is not necessary for all your readers to agree with your views. So, you have to
accommodate their opinions. After all, it is a free world.
Although, what you say is important but more important, is how you say it --how you answer questions. So, the non – verbal language – gestures and facial expressions, is as important as the verbal language. You should not be answering “Yes,” while your body language is saying ”No” (There are some people that mean “Yes” when they say, “No”)
Then your personal appearance in an interview matters. How is your grooming and dressing? Are you a natural, confident speaker? Are you an aggressive or sober person?
It will be nice for you to pay positive attention to these aspects because you are going to be seen or heard by hundreds, thousands, or millions of people.
Therefore, appear in an interview well groomed and dressed and show in a confident tone, that you are the master. But there is one secret -– don’t give everything away; (are we contradicting ourselves?) No. Because you have to keep the newsmen coming!
5.Give Talks
Prepare and give good talks to large audiences. You should have mastery of your topic, and in giving the talk, you should know that your personal appearance, gestures and audience contact are very important. You may also take questions at the end of the talk. But the most important thing is that you will get paid for promoting your book!
These things are practical. They have worked for the 20% who have tried it; but the 80% who know all the things on earth that don’t work have continued to live miserable, wasted, lives. But “you can do what you want,” says B. Catland. And he added a proviso: “If you don’t think you can’t’’.
Copyright © 2002, all rights reserved
About the Author:
ARTHUR ZULU, The Most Controversial Writer in the World, is the author of the best – selling book,
HOW TO WRITE A BEST-SELLER. Download your copy and FREE excerpt at :
For FREE writing helps, mailto : controversialwriter@yahoo.com
ARTHUR ZULU, The Most Controversial Writer in the World, is the author of the best – selling book,