"But I've only been on the Internet 3 months! How can I write
an article?” That was my reaction back in 1999 when I began
my online career and heard that writing articles was the key to
bringing targeted visitors to my website.
But I went ahead anyway and wrote my first article. I soon
discovered that writing articles is the quickest way to build
your reputation as an expert in the world of online marketing.
So don’t wait for someone else's permission - start writing
articles and grab your space in the limelight.
Here are some other mental blocks and how to deal with them:
(1) "I don't where to start". Start anywhere - it doesn't matter where.
Putting words on paper is like planting a seed in your subconscious.
Your mind will go to work on it while you're busy doing other things:
while you’re driving, while you’re sleeping, while you're doing the
dishes. Suddenly, out of nowhere, will come the next idea. That’s the
power of the subconscious and the power of putting words on paper.
(2) "I don't know how to finish". Again, it doesn’t matter. Just write
and the conclusion will come to you of it's own accord.
(3) "It's just an idea". This is another mental trap - the fear of
turning ideas into reality. Look around you and realize that every
skyscraper, every ocean-going liner, and every symphony was
once "just an idea".
(4) "I'll do it tomorrow". Tomorrow never arrives. Give yourself a
deadline. Imagine that your article must be finished within the next
12 hours - you’ll be surprised how much you get done!
(5) "My article will be a flop". This is a big one - fear of failure.
It's much safer to never try. But remember, with every article you write
you are one step closer to developing your own unique style, your
"voice". In that sense, you can never fail.
(6) "I can't get it right". Some times you simply can't find the right
words. Turn off your inner critic and just write. When you have
something down on paper, you have something to work with. But
you can't work with something that remains an idea in your head.
(7) "I can’t sort out my ideas". The easiest way to organize your
article ideas is to use a technique that mirrors the way the
mind works. This technique is called Mind Mapping. We are
taught in school to use lists to organize our ideas. But lists are
linear and the mind doesn't think in a linear fashion. You can find
out more about Mind Mapping at: http://www.mind-map.com/
Good luck with your articles! And remember - writing teaches
(c) 2003 by Michael Southon
Michael Southon has been wriitng for the internet
for over 3 years. He has shown hundreds of webmasters
how to use this simple technique to dramatically increase
traffic and sales: http://www.ezine-writer.com/