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Fun & Money In E-Media

By: Susan James

There's lots of stuff on the Internet about making money; and
lots of folks Marketing Different products and services.
I'm only addressing folks who write books, and many of the
questions that come from those folks on making money with
their books and using the Internet as a Primary Tool.

I write from experience and not theory. I am having fun and
I am making money. I use all of the tools of the Internet that
are easy for me to use. If they are too hard for me then I don't
use them, and I don't try to teach the hard stuff to myself.

I will tell you this: If you have written a book, then you have
to be willing to expand outside of just your book. If you want
to have fun and make money by using the Internet as your
Primary vehicle of creating your information as well as
promoting it, you must expand outside of your book.

If you get stuck in *I wrote this great book* and your primary
product is that book, then most likely your attitude is that you
are hoping to be discovered. That can happen. But in the
meantime, you might want to have some fun and make some
money, instead of staying stuck on the hopes that you will be

Waiting to be discovered is almost like you wanting to meet
mr or mrs prince charming, by not leaving your house, despite
the many opportunities you are asked to go out of the house.

You stay in the house with the notion that prince charming is
just going to knock on your door, when you have put no
energy out there for that to actually happen.

I have not once said: *I am writing a book to be famous.*
*What I have said, is I intend on being a Web Based
Multimillionaire.* That has put me on the potential path of
that happening. But it is happening with more than *a book*.

I began with 2 newsletters, when I did not know what the
heck I was doing. Those 2 newsletters have grown into 3
ebooks and 2 Paperback books, soon to be 3, with more
coming. Money comes to me from that. The newsletters and
books were all created electronically and all business for them
was conducted over the Internet before I ever had a paper
copy of anything. All electronic.

Also I do Personal Assistance Stuff and folks pay me money
for that. I also do online courses and folks pay me money for
that. I also do tons of free stuff.

I love every inch of what I do ! Its all related to my writing !
ALL of it! Next for me is audio versions of my stuff, and folks
will send me money for that.

And this essay, that you are reading is the beginning of a new
book; ebook first entitled: *Manifesting E-Media*
Why that as a title?

Since there is a mechanics behind having fun and money
show up in our lives, and that's what I write about; that is
also what I apply to my livelihood of which I have created
with the Main Thread that runs through all of my writings.
Simply the themes of *User Friendly Physics*, or *How To
Get What You Want w/o Goofin' It Up First!*

So, if you are a writer, please know there is *gold in them thar
hills!* But you have to be willing to expand your writing
beyond the actual book that you are writing or have written.

I have friends who have written Novels, and they keep having
them edited and this and that, and as of yet have not made one
penny off of their writing; and they keep paying for more
edits. They have no energy moving , or momentum to bring
the money to them in ease. They also are not willing to think
past their current manuscript, and are hoping to be discovered,
so they worry and wait, and hope.

Well Not me Bub, I wanna have fun while I am creating more
of my writing stuff, and part of that fun is being sent money
for the stuff that I do now !

And yes, I would write and have written much stuff for free,
just because I love writing and have to write; but when you
make the Decision that writing is your livelihood, then at some
point all other income streams have to go, so that you can do
only that.

It will be at this point , that the only source you have as an
income are things related to your writing. So you do want to
get paid, and are no longer doing only free work. You can't
do only free work for the love of writing, and live by the
means that we live in todays societies.

Money helps us live as we choose and our writing can very
well be a vehicle of that. And when you can do *that*, then
Life is But a Dream !

Susan James, writes of *User Friendly Physics* to design our
lives by; from Dreams Come True to Weight Loss:
Visit Susan's website for more details!
*Manifesting Methods for Would Be Millionaires* (ebook)
(by Susan James) Sample *The Branches* :
Send Blank Email To: manifestmillionaire@getresponse.com

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