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Free Content Articles: How To Optimize Your Free-reprint Article

By: Glenn Prialde

I have been around the internet for quite sometime — offering outsourced services and software products. I see a lot of internet marketing techniques on how to get more traffic and attract more paying customers, but only one technique seemed to work for me considering my tight budget.

So what is this technique?

This technique is called free content article marketing or free-reprint article marketing. It is basically writing an article with topics covering your products/services. The main idea of this is to keep your article ratio at 70% quality and useful information/tips to 30% advertisement. The 30% advertisement refers to your bylines or the resource box at the end of each article.

Your bylines or “about the author” content is the key to article marketing. This is the part where you can make yourself as an expert in your field, the part where you can ask readers to visit your site and the part where you can mention what you offer and do.

I already wrote an article, what now?

Is your article optimized?

Optimizing your article is always the first thing to remember. There are lots of ways to optimize an article, but let me share to you mine.

Before writing an article think of a keyword, be sure to include that keyword in your title. Make those search engines love your article by first optimizing your title.

Do not quote your title! Search engines will not like it, for example, “Five Ways to Effectively Market your Product”. Get rid of the quotes!

If possible put the keyword first in your title, for example, European Cruise – You Deserve Only the Best.

When your title is ready, try to spread your keyword several times all over your article. Try to keep a decent keyword density and do not try to spam the search engines.

Do not sacrifice your credibility for optimization. Some authors are fond of inserting dots between words that are considered as spam. Just like the word “free”. If you are trying to sell a product or service make yourself credible and your articles professional.

Ok I’m set! Now what?

Submit your article to article directories and article announcement lists. There are hundreds, if not thousands of article announcement lists and article directories. Article directories is where you can let your articles reside and Article Announcement lists announce your articles to a variety of targeted audience.

Here are a few article directories you can use:


There are thousands of article announcement list, is there a site to do the submissions for me?

Yes, indeed there are sites that do the submissions for you, but there is a payment for each article you send or if not, a monthly payment.

Try checking these sites for Article Announcement offers:

http://www.isnare.com/pbenefits.php - Distribute as many articles as you can for $35/month with an option to request for proofreading before distributing your article.

http://thephantomwriters.com – Amount depends on the number of articles you distribute

http://www.ezineannouncer.com – I haven’t looked at this one yet

http://www.articlesubmissionsites.com/ - $49.00 introductory six month renewable membership

Glenn invites you to submit your free content articles at http://www.isnare.com

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