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Fleshing out the Mystery Ingredient that Leads to Multiple Editions and Bestsellers

By: Jim Green

When my first book "Starting Your Own Business" was published way back ten years ago, I thought that was it. I reckoned I’d never write another one.

But I was wrong. It has enjoyed many reprints, multiple editions, and proceeded over the years to generate another seven disparate titles from the same topic.

Towards the end of last year I completed the draft manuscript for a commemorative fourth edition marking a decade in print. This has been accepted by the publisher and is due on world wide bookshelves in the spring of 2005.

The content has been updated, several topical new chapters have been added, and all in all it should start the ball rolling all over again by attracting a new breed of readers.

With that project out of the way, I was stumped where to look for the next.

I dug deep within myself and asked what else do I know about? I know how to start, manage and expand small businesses; I know about advising anyone on how to run an internet business from home, shop or office; I know how to instruct others on the subject of creative writing, but what else do I know?

Then it dawned on me…

I also know how to enjoy a rewarding and fulfilling retirement.
And so I embarked on my new task, researched the topic, completed the text, submitted a proposal, and as a result “Your Retirement Masterplan” (How To Books ISBN 1857039874) was published in October 2004.

But I didn’t let the matter rest there. I set about drafting a fresh proposal for a sequel “Your Retirement Cash Plan”. It too has been accepted for publication in the second quarter of 2005.

Sales for the first of these new titles are already at a record level but more significantly, both books contain the mystery ingredient that leads to longevity and multiple editions.

To discover what the secret is you need to read Chapter 3 of the ‘Secrets To Churning Out Bestsellers’. You won't find it anywhere else.

The Moral…

Dig deep within yourself. You know much more than you think you know. Digging deep enables me to churn out bestsellers one after another, time after time.

’Starting Your Own Business’ - How To Books ISBN 1857038592. First published in 1994 and now in its 3rd Revised & Updated 2004 Edition.10 Years in Print and Still Ranking at No.1 out of 882 competitive titles at Amazon.co.uk

‘Starting an Internet Business at Home’ - Kogan Page ISBN 0749434848. 2001. Ranking at No. 2 out of 31,956 competitive titles at Amazon.com

‘Selling to the Public Sector’ - How To Books ISBN 1857035879. 2000. Currently out of print as text is updated for new edition in line with revised Government guidelines. Reached No.1 out of 57 competitive titles at Amazon.co.uk

‘Your Retirement Masterplan’ - How To Books ISBN 1857039874. October 2004. Just published but already climbing the charts at Amazon.co.uk

Jim Green is a bestselling author with an ever-growing string of niche non-fiction titles to his credit. ‘Secrets to Churning Out Bestsellers’ is his latest dynamic creative writing course and is available for immediate download at

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