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Fear Before The March of Flames Interview By: Mike Willaford TheBeep's own Mike Willaford had the chance to talk to Adam of Fear Before the March of Flames about what has been going on and what might be coming later on down the road. Mike hit up Adam on their way to the Portland, Oregon show and had a little chat. Adam: "Hello?" Mike: "Adam? Hey this is Mike from the Beep.Net calling for the interview. How are you doing?" Adam: "Doing good just driving." Mike: "Oh, I didn't mean to call you wile you were driving..." Adam: "No I'm not driving, just sitting in the van." Mike: (awkward silence because Mike is nervous) "Oh, ok, well I guess let's just kick this right off... I heard you guys are from Aurora , CO - what's the scene like up there in Aurora?" Adam: "Well, in Aurora there really is no scene, but as far as Denver goes it's awesome! And it's getting a lot better I think um, like, a lot more kids will come out to our shows and because of that kids who haven't really heard of other bands in the scene are going to other shows. I think it's actually getting better every day." Mike: "Awesome. Is the band name really in reference to a newspaper headline? Because in your last song it says '...waiting in line for hell with you...' and a lot of references to 'marching into the flames.'" Adam: "No, it really is a newspaper headline." Mike: "How was playing with Norma Jean?" Adam: "Awesome, those guys are a totally cool band. Just a blast. Some of the biggest shows we have ever played as a band, which is crazy. We just like to play with those guys and hanging out with those guys. They are just totally, totally amazing guys, so it was a really good time." Mike: I kinda have a different question. Where do you see yourselves in 10 years?" (disconnected) Adam: "Hey I think we got cut off..." Mike: "Yea I think we did too, it's ok though." Adam: "What was your last question? Where do we see ourselves..." Mike: "In 10 years..." Adam: "6 years?" Mike: "10 years.." Adam: "It would be great if we were still doing this band, but who knows, you know? It's really hard to say professionally where we might be. Maybe still making music or playing guitar: I would like to buy a boat, and be a shark fisherman. I wouldn't want to actually eat the sharks or kill them. I would just want to hangout with them for awhile." Mike: (laughs) "Awesome." Adam: "If I'm not making music or in this band I would like to fish for sharks, and hangout with sharks." Mike: "Where do you see the hardcore scene headed?" Adam: "Well that's hard to say, um, like it's so different where ever you go. There's hardcore now that is main-mainstram ****** pop-punk bands that scream and that don't know much about hardcore, you know? There are bands that used to be hardcore, but are now mainstream hardcore. Then there's bands that think they are hardcore bands, and bands that get called hardcore but don't want to be called hardcore. And there's bands that get called hardcore but aren't hardcore at all. It's really, really hard to say, I would like to say I know where it's but I couldn't really tell you." Mike: "Yea, I know what you mean. In track 3 you said..." (disconnected) Adam: "Hey man is that your phone or my phone?" Mike: "I don't know whos phone that is.. do you have a bad signal?" Adam: "No man, I'm in service." Mike: "Ok, I'll go outside and see if that helps (goes outside). Let's see if this is better. In track 3 you say, "the birds think I'm one of their own, the birds thank God to be alive." Is there any Christian or religious influences involved? Adam: "It's a song that Dave wrote, and it's kinda like a conversation with the devil." (silence) Mike: "Hello, you still there?" Adam: "Yea, it's just a song about having a conversation with the devil. Don't think we are a satanic band or anything..." Mike: "No, no, no, not at all. There are rumors that you guys are a Christian band because you guys played at Cornerstone and did some touring with Dead Poetic and Norma Jean." Adam: "We never played Cornerstone." Mike: "Never played Cornerstone?." Adam: "No." Mike: "A few more questions here. What's the bands favorite food on tour?" Adam: "Favorite food? It kinda varies for each member but we are all fans Chilis. We just ate there an hour ago. They have black bean burger that I really enjoy. The waitress wasn't so good today, she put bleu cheese all over my ****. It made me real mad. Sometimes we like to find a good Mediterranean place to eat. Have you ever been to Perkins?" Mike: "Yea.. Perkins is really good" Adam: "Yea.. They have a good selection there.." Mike: "What's the funniest thing that has happened so far on tour?" Adam: 'Funniest thing that has happened on tour" (thinking) Let me think, (talking to other people) - Lots of funny stuff happened, but uh... One time we were at a strip club, we don't always go to strip clubs but it was kind of a crazy night, and Mike our bass man got called up on stage and he rode around stage by a stripper. That was pretty funny. Mike: (laughing) "That's hilarious. That's all we have for you. Thanks for doing the interview. Be sure to check out TheBeep.Net" Adam: "Definitely. Thank you." Questions? Comments? Email info@thebeep.net - www.thebeep.net
Mike Willaford
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