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Excuse Me, Your Website is Naked!

By: Cathy Goodwin

"Come see my new website!" read the proud email from a well-respected professional, eager to promote his first book and seminar series. His website was indeed beautiful -- exquisitely laid-out with customized graphics.

Alas, the website was unfinished. A well-dressed website has:

(1) A title that tells what you do -- functional and keyword-friendly, not necessarily a high fashion item. A title of "home" screams that you're an amateur -- or you chose the wrong web designer.

(2) Don't tell me what you wear under your designer suit -- but when I click "view source," I want to see meta-tags! You'd be amazed how many expensive websites go bare.

(3) Accessorize your site with 500-word articles or ezines. But choose carefully to complement your objective.

(4) Your choice of attire signals whether you're attending a high-powered meeting, representing a client in court or washing your car. And the first words on your site tell the world who you are and what you do.

(5) Most successful people have a signature fashion style that says, "This is who I am." On the web, discover your own writing voice and share your individual persona. Sanitized biographies ("Dr. Z is a well-known…") and copycat slogans are equivalent to shopping in a bargain megastore.

If you've got good fashion or word sense, you can get away with all sorts of rule-breaking. But if you show up wearing a bare bones birthday suit, most would say that's one rule too many.

Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D., author of Making the Big Move, helps midlife
professionals navigate career and business transitions. "How Smart
People Can Derail Their Transitions" complimentary Special Report
http://www.cathygoodwin.com/subscribe.html . Contact:
http://www.cathygoodwin.com/feedback.html Phone: 505-534-4194

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