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Eliminate Redundancies for Fat Free Writing

By: Linda Elizabeth Alexander

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Subject: Business, Marketing
Number of Words: 300
Article Autoresponder: fatfreewriting@write2thepointcom.com
Website: http://www.write2thepointcom.com

Eliminate Redundancies for Fat Free Writing
©2002 By Linda Elizabeth Alexander

Engaging writing is concise. How many times have we been
told to "write tight" (be concise) rather than
verbosely? The following are a mere 25 examples of
redundant phrases. When used properly, alternatives to
these phrases can cut much of the fat out of your
business communication, leaving it leaner, tighter, and
less verbose.

Instead of ? (why?) ? Use this
1. 12 noon (noon is always at 12) noon
2. 12 midnight (midnight is always at 12) midnight
3. added bonus bonus
4. and also and or also
5. advance notice (notice is advance) notice
6. ask the question ask
7. ATM machine(M stands for machine) ATM
8. current status status
9. close proximity near
10.end result result
11.filled to capacity filled
12.first and foremost first
13.free gift free or gift
14.future plans (already in the future) plans
15.general consensus consensus
16.join together join
17.month of October October
18.mutual agreement drop "mutual"
19.new development development
20.past experience experience
21.past history (history is always in the past) history
22.period of time time
23.PIN number(N stands for number) PIN
24.sum total (the total is the sum) total or sum
25.total number total

Linda Elizabeth Alexander writes marketing copy for
nonprofits and other businesses. Contact her today to
discuss your next project and get your FREE quote!

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