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By: Bob Leduc

Would you like to capture more sales with your web site,
sales letters, and other promotional messages? It may not be
as difficult as you think. Here are 5 proven tactics you can
apply to energize your sales copy -- and increase your sales


Look for general statements in your web pages and sales
letters. Replace them with specific statements.

For example, a general statement like, "Our clients get more
sales", is dull. Replace it with "Most new clients enjoy at
least a 23 percent increase in sales within 60 days" to
create excitement. This motivates prospects to sign up now
so they can start enjoying that 23 percent sales increase.

IMPORTANT: Make sure your specific statements are accurate
and believable or your credibility will be challenged.

TIP: If something sounds too good to be true your prospects
will assume it's not true and they won't buy. Understate any
specific claim that sounds exaggerated ...even if it is


Long paragraphs and sentences bore your prospects. It causes
them to lose interest before getting to the end of your
message. Short paragraphs and sentences are easier to read.
They hold your prospect's interest.

Divide long paragraphs into shorter paragraphs of 7 lines or
less. Break up sentences longer than 18 words into 2
sentences. And look for long or uncommon words you can
replace with commonly used words. For example, replace words
like "originate" with "start" or "receive" with "get".


Your sales letter or web page must build the prospect's
desire for your product or service then motivate them to
place an order. It must also hold their interest and keep
them emotionally involved through the entire process or you
won't get the sale.

Active, stimulating words and phrases keep your prospect
involved and interested in reading your sales copy. Look for
dull passive words and phrases you can eliminate or replace
with active ones. For example, change a phrase like "...it's
practical and inexpensive" to "...it's fast, easy and you'll
save $99"


Humor can be effective in some media -- but not in written
sales messages. It distracts your prospects by interrupting
their mental focus on your message. This distraction can
cause you to lose some sales. Get rid of any humorous
remarks in your web pages and sales letters.

SUGGESTION: Replace your humorous remarks with real life
stories from customers describing how they benefited by
using your product or service. Real life stories add human
interest and draw prospects into your message. Humor
distracts their attention away from your message.


Most prospects glance at the beginning of your web page or
sales letter then jump to the end before reading anything in
between. Take advantage of this and put something at the end
of your message to stimulate their interest. Create it as a

For example, use a "P.S." to emphasize your offer, highlight
a deadline or to dramatize a significant benefit. All of
these will pull the prospect into your message.

Use these 5 proven copywriting tactics to energize your
sales copy. Your web pages, sales letters and other
promotional messages will immediately start producing more
sales for you.

Bob Leduc retired from a 30 year career of recruiting sales
personnel and developing sales leads. Bob recently wrote a manual for small business
owners titled "How to Build Your Small Business Fast With
Simple Postcards" and several other publications to help
small businesses grow and prosper. For more information...
Phone: (702) 658-1707 (After 10 AM Pacific time)

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