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By: Linda Lenehan

Linda Lenehan was born in Southern Ireland and moved to South Africa some years ago. After living in Johannesburg for a number of years she moved to East London and has made it her home.
Last week, I had the chance to chat with her over a cup of coffee (quite literally, as the waitress accidentally deposited most of the latte on Linda!) I was immediately struck by her openness and vitality – characteristics which are evident in her writing.
“Writing was my strong subject at school and I’ve always written a lot of short stories.”
It was one of these short stories that grew in the writing to become the foundation for her first novel Cathy’s First Lessons.
What followed can only be described as a labour of love. With a full time job and a family, it was fortunate that she is something of an insomniac, regularly writing late into the night and often rising about 3am to continue before heading off for work.
“I’ve learned that perseverance is critical. You have to keep going even when you’d rather be doing something else. Also, one has to learn to deal with negativity and rejection.”
Reading Cathy’s First Lessons one is immediately struck by the grounded-ness, the sense of connection the author has to this world. Her easy colloquial and unique style gives a sense of a talented storyteller retelling events. There is a real impression of daily interactions in her tale. One can see and feel the backdrop and really get to know the characters.
“Many of the characters in the early part of the novel are drawn from people I met as a young girl.”
Set in Ireland in the late 1960s the narrative follows the protagonist Cathy from a young child until adulthood. The story focuses on her development within the difficulties that arise out of her world. It traces her reactions and relationships with different characters, particularly her best friend Pauline.
I was impressed by the informative integration of the role of horses. But do bear in mind, this is not a ‘horsey’ story aimed solely at ‘horsey people’. It is obvious that the author has extensive experience with horses, but this world falls naturally into place as a part of Cathy’s life in a way that is accessible to all, regardless of gender.
Cathy’s First Lessons is a sensitive, wholesome story about growing up in rural Ireland and it portrays a universal pattern that anyone can identify with. It’s a story which pulls at your heart strings and often had me laughing loudly. Definitely worth owning -- it’s a treasure.
Cathy’s First Lessons is available from Exclusive Books nationwide and Amazon.co.uk -- Barnes & Noble

Linda Lenehan was born in Southern Ireland and she was educated at the Dominican Convent in Dun Laoghaoire. Apart from her writing, she is an accomplished horsewoman and trainer, scuba diver and enjoys gourmet cooking. She is currently living at the South African coast with two of her children.

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