He wrote the book on how to write killer query letters. In this
interview, author John Wood shares his knowledge based on 17
years of working as an editor. More than 30,000 query letters
have landed on his desk. Wood lets us in on the things that make
or break query letters, and how you, the writer, can get past
the editor's desk and be published.
A Query Letter That Stands Out
Because most queries look and read the same, your query letter
must stand out.
"Devise a scintillating title and subtitle for your idea in the
style of the magazine you're pitching," says Wood. "Center it and
boldface it right up front after your initial introductory
paragraph. Use bullets, numbered lists, indented paragraphs,
italics or even boxes to set off important elements. Don't go
overboard, but do something to make your letter stand out from
the pack.
"My former editor demanded that I do this whenever I proposed
an idea to him because with a head and deck at the top of the
page, he could envision instantly what it would look like in the
magazine," Wood explains. "I have used this technique ever since
when approaching editors and agents, and have been told by more
than one agent that my queries were the best they have ever seen."
Your query letter should be no more than a page or a page and a
half, and should contain a brief introduction as to why you're
writing that specific magazine. Mention your expertise or interest
in your proposed topic, and include one or two ideas, presented
in decks and heads. In your closing paragraph, briefly mention
who you are, your publication credits and how you can be reached.
Include one or two clips of your writing, but only if your clips
are similar to your proposed topic. There's no point in sending
a cooking article clip if you're querying a travel article!
Most Common and Crucial Mistakes Writers Make
When Writing and Submitting Queries
"Of all the ones that I rejected, I found that the writers were
making the same simple mistakes or omissions," Wood reveals.
"Unfortunately, reject letters never tell you what you did wrong,
so most writers just continue to make the same mistakes."
According to Wood, there are 4 common mistakes writers commit
when writing and submitting query letters:
Mistake # 1. Sending your query to the wrong editor
"This is crucial," says Wood. "Call the magazine, ask for
'Editorial,' and ask which editor handles the subject you're
"If you're sending a query for a health article, ask which editor
handles health features. If you're sending a pitch for the New
Products department, ask which editor oversees the New Products
department, and so on," he advises. "If the receptionist gives
you the editor-in-chief's name or says, 'Just send it in,' do not
accept this. Demand a specific name for your specific topic. If
she can't or won't, ask to speak to her supervisor."
When Wood was editor, writers who took their time to do their
homework, learn that he was the right editor for their proposed
story and then approach him directly by query letter always got
top priority.
"Unfortunately, less than 5-10 percent of all submissions arrive
to me--or any editor--that way. Writers who act in this manner
earn my respect and I will assume they are professionals and
treat them accordingly," Wood says.
And those who don't? Their queries don't garner much interest
and go straight to the slush pile.
Mistake # 2. Failing to narrow your story angle
"Don't send a query about horseback riding," Wood warns. "Send
one about horseback riding for blind black women lesbians along
the Malibu coast during Kwanzaa. I'm exaggerating, but I guarantee
you that a query like the first example will go nowhere; one
focused to the degree of the second example will find a market
Mistake # 3. Not studying the magazine thoroughly before querying
Take time to know what a magazine wants and doesn't want. Know its
readers and style the articles are written in. Do these things
and you will be able to write a query letter that will catch any
editor's eye.
Mistake # 4. Forgetting to include a self-addressed stamped
envelope or SASE with the query
5 Things You Should Never Do When Writing A Query Letter
1. Don't be presumptuous. Avoid even an appearance of
cockiness or arrogance.
2. Don't be sketchy. Outline your idea in sufficient
depth to give the editor a clear picture of your
idea and what you intend to do.
3. Don't offer an article on spec.
4. Never apologize or give a lame reason for wanting
to write your article.
5. Don't even think about querying by phone.
And If You're An Amateur, Don't Give Yourself Away!
If you've never been published before, Wood warns you shouldn't
mention it in your query letter.
"You must never give the appearance that you are a beginner or an
amateur," he says. "If you present yourself in a professional
manner, the editor can only assume you're a pro and will treat
you like one.
"I have given many assignments over the years to writers who I
thought were seasoned pros and then found out later that they
were just starting out," he continues. "That's fine. But once you
let the cat out of the bag and make a slip of the pen ('This is
my first query to a magazine'), it's an automatic rejection. Few
editors will knowingly work with beginners.
"If you have been published before, but only to small newsletters
or church flyers or local newspapers, do not mention this or
attach such clips," he adds.
The Query-able Stuff
You don't need to query every idea you think is publishable.
"The only articles that do not and should not require a query are
humor, essays, poems, short fiction, and puzzles/games. These
particular types of pieces are subjective and cannot be assigned;
you simply have to write them and send them in," Wood says.
Shotgun Querying and the Waiting Game
So, is it acceptable to send multiple queries on the same
subject? Wood says yes.
"Shotgun the sucker to as many editors as you can. You're the
writer; you're the one who has to pay your bills while waiting
(sometimes for months) to hear back from each publication," Wood
explains. "Editors are notorious for not replying at all--even if
you include an SASE. The obvious exception would be an idea that
is focused to a particular magazine; in that case you should only
send it to that place. But that doesn't mean you couldn't rewrite
it and refocus the same general idea to several different similar
magazines and send them all out at the same time.
"One lesson I've learned: Do not mention that your query is a
simultaneous submission," John advises. He once thought it was
necessary until one editor got offended and rejected his query.
That editor, according to Wood, only wanted articles "specifically
tailored to my magazine."
"My idea was a unique travel idea that was certainly appropriate
to his publication, but to many others as well," Wood explains.
After shotgunning your idea to as many editors as possible, it's
time for you to wait it out.
"Wait about a month, then follow-up by e-mail," he advises.
"Never phone unless you've worked with the editor before. If
still no response, assume it's a reject and move on."
10 Specific Advice to Help You Get Your Query Letter Accepted
(and Make You a Published Author Eventually)
Wood sums it up:
1. Be professional. Make sure every letter is error-free,
is addressed to the right editor, and includes a SASE.
2. Be new. Offer a fresh idea and set it off with a centered,
boldfaced head and subhead.
3. Be provocative. Pull the reader in with a stunning lead.
4. Be creative. Lay out your letter in a unique way and
show your writing style. Don't write formally! Write
the way you talk, write in your own voice. You have
only one chance to impress the editor. If you go down,
go down in flames, baby.
5. Be focused. Narrow your story angle as much as you can.
6. Be customized. Slant your idea to each individual
publication as much as you can.
7. Be multifaceted. Give each editor more than one
reason to say yes: Offer more than one place for
your article, more than one thing to peg it to,
more than one way to structure it, and more than
one element to accompany it.
8. Be realistic. Instill confidence that you're reliable
and your project is doable.
9. Be qualified. Include appropriate clips, credits,
and qualifications.
10. Be passionate. Show enthusiasm for your project.
Copyright 2001-2002 Shery Ma Belle Arrieta
In April/May 2000, Shery established The e-Writer's Place, a
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