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By Arthur Zulu

Now you know you must introduce yourself -- your work. This is the first point in your outline.

But introducing yourself in creative writing, isn’t the same as
announcing your arrival at a cock- tail or dinner party. You don’t
have to give yourself away –- name, status and all; just like that!

In story writing, you have to tantalize your reader, you have to make him keep holding on to your book, even when his house – boy suddenly walks into his study, to announce the discovery of anthrax, in his bedroom!

Making a Good Introseries of questions. Remember that these questions should
point to the subject or topic of your work. And remember also that in the course of your writing, you will need to answer these questions.

Fifth. You may begin with a quotation. The quotation must
relate to, or support your work; and help your reader to
visualize what follows. Do you have a book of quotations?

Sixth. You may introduce a problem that is connected to your writing. Let your reader know that this problem needs
solution. Then proceed to solve the problem you have created
with your story.

Seventh: Flashback. Some writers begin their story from the end, called the flashback. Others even start from the middle. But know that your style need not be too complicated as to create a lunatic, instead of a learned, reader.

So, these are the ways you may use to introduce a book of any kind. Even if it is a play. In that case, bear the above points in mind as you write the opening dialogue of the play.

Which method appeals to you? Why not try to read the
introductions of some of the books in your library.

Now look at this imaginary book title and introduction: THE

“Stupid man! Couldn’t find a cure for AIDS. Has now
branched off to clone himself. But up there, Martians
are having the last laugh. They have used the red
mosquitoes of Mars to cure AIDS! And lovers are once
more making love, under the shades of gigantic trees, deep
valleys, and mountain peaks in Mars. How did this happen?”

Not a bad way to introduce your best – seller. Or, is it?

Copyright © 2002, all rights reserved

About the Author:

ARTHUR ZULU, The Most Controversial Writer in the World, is the author of the best – selling book,
HOW TO WRITE A BEST-SELLER. Download your copy and FREE excerpt at :
For FREE writing helps, mailto : controversialwriter@yahoo.com

ARTHUR ZULU, The Most Controversial Writer in the World, is the author of the best – selling book,

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