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Content Is Still King!

By: John Colanzi

It amazes me when I hear marketers say content isn't
important anymore.

Many of them are saying that on the one hand and selling
memberships to their sites on the other.

What are their membership sites?

Reports, articles, ebooks etc.

There's a name for all that.


The need for content is growing daily and will keep

So who needs content?

There are thousands of ezines and their numbers are
growing daily.

Article sites are springing up all the time.

Web Sites are looking for a steady supply of fresh

The demand for content is far greater than the supply.

Somebody has to help fill that need.

Start writing and submitting articles and you'll always
be in demand.

You'll be a true problem solver.

Take a look at some of the benefits of supplying fresh,
original content.

* Instant Branding

* Articles are extremely viral

* Hundreds of links to your site.

* You'll be considered an instant expert.

* You'll be in the spotlight of every ezine that runs
your article.

So what are you waiting for?

Start writing articles.


Wishing You Success,
John Colanzi
Street Smart Marketing

John publishes the "Street Smart Marketing" newsletter.
To subscribe mailto:streetsmart@rapidreply.net
Don't forget to get your free email course. "7 Days To
Turbo Charged Mind!" mailto:johncolanzi@freeautobot.com

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