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By: Arleen M. Kaptur

When you are around young children, listen very carefully. When they believe no one is concerned with what they are doing, they let themselves go. They make up stories, give
dialogue to their playthings, and give the best descriptions to animate or inanimate objects that you can ever imagine.

As writers, we sometimes lose that child-like quality of spontaneous insight. into the
stories we are trying to write. We work at writing, instead of letting writing work in us.
Some stories I have read give mundane, dull, and very uninteresting descriptions of
scenes that could be brought alive and made vibrant with the right words. When you
are trying to describe something to your reader, close your eyes and in your mind see
whatever it is “for the first time”. You never saw it before and you are trying to take in
all the details. All your senses are aware of this scene or object and they all want to participate. Let go and let them. Don’t let them hold back. They are the artists of your
creativity so taking away their paints and brushes will only harm your work.

Your characters and their personalities and antics can be treated in the same way. Meet them as total strangers with no pre-conceived notions. Let them be themselves and take it from there. Some writers believe that their characters must always be the super heroes in every scene. Sometimes the quiet, unassuming person in the room that is deep in thought or totally absorbed in whatever they are doing speaks louder than the character that is explaining and touting their own horn.

Children are smarter than we give them credit for. They pretend and they give life to whatever they are doing at that particular moment. One sad fact is that many of today’s toys rob these little ones from their creative playing by giving an adult’s version of actions, words, and story plots. Notice how quickly a child tires of pre-programmed playthings and would sometimes prefer the box they came in.

As writers we don’t want to be childish, only child-like. There is a world of difference in these words. Seeing things for the first time in a different light and noticing all the fine points is being child-like. A small one can study a rock or a blade of grass for hours if left to their own devices. Along comes an adult and we give them a toy that is meant to entertain but stops the imagination process. A simple toy soldier can be placed in so many different story plots and doesn’t always win. Either their sand castle collapses or the
day comes to an end. However, tomorrow brings new adventures and opportunities.

Writers are professional people, this is true. As professionals we know the value of finding ways to increase our creativity and our imagination. Pick up your toy soldier and see what today’s adventures will bring. You may be very surprised at what your own
child-like images can do. Give it a try.

©Arleen M. Kaptur 2002 April

Arleen is the author of numerous articles, e-books and the novel

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