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Are You Ready To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone?

By: John Colanzi

Are You Ready To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone?
by John Colanzi

It's amazing how long it took me to actually start writing
and submitting articles for publication.

I knew all the reasons for writing articles, but still
bulked at the idea of writing my own articles. Who would
want to hear my feeble ramblings?

I kept placing my ads and sending out my newsletter and
generally stayed in my comfortable rut. I was on the slow
boat to China.

Then one day I got sick and had to spend a week in the
hospital. The doctors told me I couldn't work for at least
a year.

I guess I was like the stubborn mule on the farm. The only
way to get his attention is to hit him on the side of the
head with a two by four.

Well I'd just been hit and it was time for this mule to
either pack it in or break down my mental barriers.

I started by writing articles for my newsletter. I still
wasn't ready to start submitting them. I guess the lick
to the head wasn't hard enough.

Low and behold some of my readers started sending in
positive feedback. Wow! That was a rush I hadn't counted

I started stepping up the pace. Maybe somebody would read
my ramblings. Then I started getting requests from readers
who wanted to share them. I hadn't counted on this either.

If my readers liked the articles, maybe I should start
submitting them to other publishers. The old mule was
starting to pull the plow.

Was it worth the effort?

You bet!!

No matter how much I read about the benefits of writing
articles, there were some I hadn't counted on. I wish I
was double jointed, I'd kick myself in the bottom for
waiting so long.

Every time I receive a positive email from someone who's
enjoyed something I wrote, I feel as good as I felt when
I received my initial feedback from a few of my readers.

There are so many positive, unexpected changes taking place
that I count my blessings, that I was forced to step out of
my comfort zone.

Napoleon Hill was right when he said that, "Every adversity
brings with it the seeds of an equal or greater benefit."

So please, don't be like this old mule and wait to be hit
by a two by four to start taking advantage of the power of
article writing.

If this dummy can do it, I know you can!!

Wishing You Success

John Colanzi publishes the "Street Smart Marketing" newsletter.
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