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A Winning Web Site Requires Winning Words

By: Oscar Bruce

Ever sit down to create that winning ad, publicity
release or newsletter and couldn't come up with the right
words or phrases? You will never make your future until you
cure the problem of the Dialog Dilemma. And that means
enlarging your personal powers of expression... inserting
precision and persuasion to your promotional ideas as well
as your personal communication.

The Internet Is a Money Maker
In many ways the Web is the ultimate medium, but only for
those who can deliver their message persuasively and
convincingly. Your words must create desire and compel
action. Repeated disappointment and non-production will be
the outcome if your words do not inspire action. You must
get the order.

Winning Words
How do you make your web site dazzle, charm and seduce? A
truly distinctive and compelling Web site relies on
successful semantics. Words and phrases carefully
orchestrated to inspire feeling, then desire and finally
"action". The decision to purchase and "do it now" - that is
the total and final objective of your ad campaign in any
form or place.

Only the right words can generate profits in any endeavor.
Graphics can't get it done. Dazzling colors will not. Only
moving and inspiring words can accomplish that mission.

You may have magical powers when you sell your ideas in
person. Sure you can charm a dog off a meat wagon,
personally. But, you are not there. Your ad's message rests
entirely on the tone, color, and flavor of the language. The
words and phrases must carry your message, without benefit
of your compelling presence. You can't rely on your great
smile, or your winning body language. Only your Web site's
words will tell the world who you are, what you do.

Expand your inventory of words and expressions to use with
promotional materials, also in your personal conversations.

Oscar Bruce helps people upgrade their conversation skills.
His books are considered the field-manuals for getting
through life unscathed & undefeated. He freely shares many
useful techniques at http://www.oscarbruce.com
You can also write to_ High Profile
PO Box 725, Burnet TX 78611
Phone 512-715-0157

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