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A First Time Author's Publicity Kit Materials

By: Laura Hickey

If you're a new author that has been requested to send publicist materials, you may feel left in the dark on what to send. Here's a list of the usual items.

1. Author Bio

This is no place for modesty. You're competing with many other authors out there and need to show how your hot and worth it. Remember to include your accomplishments and give a little background information. Often readers want to know about the author's interests..

2. A photo

This is optional, but if you want to get your face out there, this could help. Keep in mind that not every editor will use your photo.

3. Interviews

Any newspaper/magazine clippings may be include if it's related to you and your writing, awards an accomplishments. Clippings about your personal life may bore the editor requesting your materials.

4. Reviews

If you have any reviews for your latest release, have them printed on clear 8.5 X 11 paper and include them in your kit.

5. Promotional Items

It may also be requested that you send any promotional items. Examples would be: Posters, pens with your web address, buttons, bookmarks,etc...

As time goes on, you'll expand your PR kit. A great idea is to have a press kit right on your website to save editors time and money. You may want to have all your current materials in one easy to download PDF file. Each time you have something new to add update the file.

Laura Hickey is an up and coming author. Her works include Mysterious Chills and Thrills for Kids and a co-writer position for the TV pilot, Officially Lush. You can read more free articles by Ms. Hickey on her homepage:

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