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A Few Brief Tips for Dealing with Rejection

By: Laura Hickey

What to do when you get rejected.

You've just finished your book, sent out query letters and was rejected. What's left to do? You could give up, but I wouldn't suggest this. Here's some brief tips on how to deal with rejection.

1.Take a breather

You've probably been wondering and rattling your brain as to why you got rejected. Take a break, not a long one...some time for a breather. If you continue to constantly analyze why you were rejected, you'll drive yourself crazy. Plus...if you decide after rejections to continue sending out new query letters, they may not be your best work. Why you ask? Because you may not produce your best work under all the stress you've put yourself under over the rejections. You wouldn't want more rejections because you didn't have the energy to send out your best sales pitch.

2.Self-esteem- Failure is not an option

You might be down in the dumps...this is understandable, but don't allow yourself to be in the mood for too long. Have you had others read your work? Did they like it, love it? It's a good idea to remember all the positives, rather than negatives. If everyone who didn't get what they wanted the first time quit, do you know what we'd have? A bunch of failures. They aren't failures though for not getting it for the first time, rather they are if they quit.


Think about your favorite movie, song or book. Now, what if they stopped trying? That favorite song, book or movie wouldn't exist. If you give up, someone out there won't have a chance to have your work as a favorite. Think about it.

Remember that rejection doesn't have to be the end of your journey unless you let it be. Good Luck!

Laura Hickey is the author of the children's book "Mysterious Chills and Thrills" which has gotten 5 star ratings.

Along with writing children's books, she also wrote for the sitcom pilot + episodes for a project called "Officially Lush" You can read her whole bio plus access her press kit at http://www.laurahickey.com.

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