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By: Craig Lock

Here is my "dime's worth" (see learning "American English" , or at least
your expressions already) on the subject of writing for an international
audience on the world wide web. The Web offers you an opportunity,
unique in history, to speak directly to millions of potential customers.
Some commentators advise that if you want to be listened to,
speak to them "in their language".
I only partially agree (but then, I'm always breaking the rules!)...

When I write articles for "the international market" of the net, I don't
target particular countries and try to adapt my writing style.
I've found that people around the world don't seem to mind the fact
that I may use "funny" words or spelling - small details, like "s's"
instead of "z's", color or colour...as long as the grammar is reasonably correct.
I just try to write in my "natural style" - one in which I feel comfortable
(seeing I was brought up in South Africa with British English) and
suggest you writers do the same.

Incidentally, I put this short note at the end of all my articles...

"PS: Dear Americans, please excuse my British English spelling. Very Colonial!
I just write and use my own style and spelling,
one that I'm accustomed to (sounds funny that ending sentence in a "preppie").
I am quite happy for these articles to be used and distributed by other
electronic and other magazines.
If they help others out there in any way,
then I'm happy."

To sum up...
My advice is just find your "natural style" by writing as you
speak- as practice writing in your "natural style" breeds confidence.
Then submit your articles to ezines and announcement lists, like
Article Announce, Free Content and Publish In Yours.
I find this marketing method by far the most
effective means of getting traffic to our various sites (and one thing
then leads to another)... and best of all it costs nothing, but a little
time and effort!

Make sure your layout is good (not one of my strong points!),
as this greatly enhances your prospects of getting published.

Hope this may help you readers "out there in cyberspace".

Happy writing and


Craig Lock

Craig Lock
My various books* may be viewed at:

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