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A Barrel of Fun – Book Review

By: Lisa M. Hendey

A Barrel of Fun – Book Review
By Lisa M. Hendey

Rarely do you crack the spine of a book put out by a religious publisher and find yourself giggling out loud, but this was my recent experience while enjoying A BARREL OF FUN (Kregel, April 2004, paperback, 224 pages), the latest from British co-authors J. John and Mark Stibbe.

Written in an A to Z format, the collection features humorous vignettes, definitions, quotes & quips, and even a few great cartoon drawings. Far from just a joke book, however, the book also includes numerous, thought provoking stories, prayers and letters.

The perfect resource for anyone who finds himself speaking before a group or writing about matters religious, A BARREL OF FUN includes a note to church magazine editors from the authors granting conditional reprinting privileges. Readers are encouraged to enjoy and share the material included in the book. Much good and many smiles will doubtless be produced by those who read and share the pearls of wit and wisdom found in A BARREL OF FUN.

For more information or to order A BARREL OF FUN visit http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0825462207/digitalcropper-20

Lisa M. Hendey is webmaster of numerous family oriented web sites, including http://www.CatholicMom.com, http://www.ChristianColoring.com and http://www.digitalcropper.com. A wife and mother of two sons, she is an avid reader.

Lisa M. Hendey is webmaster of numerous family oriented web sites, including http://www.CatholicMom.com, http://www.ChristianColoring.com and http://www.digitalcropper.com. A wife and mother of two sons, she is an avid reader.

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