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8 Tell-Tale Signs That Forecast Writing Success! By: Jennifer Brown Banks ‘Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.” Stephen King Ever wonder what the hands of fate will deal you in the way of success as a writer? Or why some individuals reap the rewards of literary recognition, while others fail and fade into anonymity? Just as highway signs alert travelers of their impending destination, there are give-away indicators that point to “the road to success” for writers. Here are checkpoints that reveal you’re in the literary fast lane!
What I discovered was that poetry (although my first love), was not very marketable. As a result, these efforts alone met with very little success until I decided to try feature writing for magazines. This change in strategy not only allowed me to establish publishing credits and an impressive portfolio, but also financed the self-publication of 3 volumes of poetry chapbooks and opened avenues for paid performances and open mike competitions as well. Jennifer Brown Banks- Page 2 8 Tell-Tale Signs…
Jennifer Brown Banks- Page 3 8 Tell-Tale Signs…
Jennifer Brown Banks- Page 4- 8 Tell-Tale Signs 3. National Association of Women Writers- http://www.naww.org- Produces a newsletter that provides useful insiders’ tips, motivational quotes, contests, conferences and more. It also serves to support and promote the works of female authors. A great book to also help you improve your surfing savvy is 300 Incredible Things to Do on the Internet by Ken Leebow.
Jennifer Brown Banks is a writer, poet, speaker and literary consultant. Her work is featured monthly as a contributing writer to Being Single magazine. Additionally, she is a high school substitute teacher. Publishing credits include: Chicago Sun-Times, Being Single Magazine, Funds 4 Writers, Writing for Dollars, Honey Magazine, Today’s Chicago Woman, National Association of Women Writers’ Weekly, Empowermag.com, Gospel Synergy and a host of on-line and print publications. Her upcoming book of poetry “A Paradox in Pink” is due to be released in fall 2004. Banks is listed in Marquis’ Who’s Who in America. She may be contacted at Jennifer Brown Banks
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