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7 Tips for Submitting Articles to Article Resource Sites

By: David McKenzie

Submitting articles to article resource sites should be easy. But it is surprising how many people do not follow some simple rules. By not following these rules it can mean the difference between someone reading your article or not.

Even worse, the article resource site might not accept your article because you left something out or did something wrong.

Here are 7 tips to help you when submitting articles to article resource sites:

1. Make sure you include your web site link in the resource box of the article as this will prompt the reader to click for more information. This is your MOST important selling tool so make sure you include it on your article submissions.

2. Spelling. Check the spelling 3 times. There is absolutely nothing worse than an article with spelling mistakes. You lose all credibility instantly. That is why I recommend checking spelling 3 times. First, use a spell checker on your computer. Second, scan the article yourself on your computer. Third, print out the article and check again yourself.

3. For many article resource sites they have written rules for how to submit articles. If you do not follow the rules, it is likely that your article will not be submitted. Make sure you
read the rules (if any) and follow them.

4. Title. Make sure the title of your article is the ONLY thing in the subject header of your email if submitting articles by email. When I look for articles to include in my own ezine I scan the titles. If the subject heading says “New Article for Posting” or something like that, then I will not even bother reading the article. No matter how good it is!

5. Get the character width right. If you format all your articles to 65 characters width then you will have no problems with about 95% of all article resource sites.

6. Set up an autoresponder for each article. Some article resource sites require you to have your own articles available by autoresponder. You can get free autoresponders from Sendfree.com.

7. Only submit each article once to each article resource site. A quick way to get into trouble with many article resource site owners is to submit the same article a number of times. It is
just not worth it!

There are many things to consider when submitting articles to article resource sites. Follow these 7 tips and you should not have any problems.

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