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7 Tips On How To Locate Junior Editors for Your Children'sBook

By: Catherine Franz

Are you writing a children’s book -- nonfiction or fiction?

Here are a few tips on how to test your almost final draft.
And test your manuscript on the same audience that is going
to read the book. Make them junior editors.

1. Talk with a teacher at your local school that has a
classroom of your book’s age group. Ask for permission to
come in and read the book to the class. Video tape the
children’s reactions or ask two people to accompany you to
record the children’s reactions to direct parts of the
story. Give each of the recorders a copy of the manuscript
that they can write comments on in the exact location of the
children’s reaction. They can make smiley faces of J L
to save time.

2. Or maybe ask the teacher if she is willing to give the
manuscript to students to read as an assignment then ask for
the children’s opinion. Have a class discussion about the
book afterwards with you present.

3. If the teacher doesn’t like any of these, let her make
some suggestions.

4. Do you have children the age of your readers? Ask the
parents if you could provide a manuscript for them to read
and get their feedback.

5. If this is a book that is read to children (they are too
young to read yet). Find parents that frequently read to
their child and have children that age. Ask them if they
would read your book to them and fill out a questionnaire
about their reaction. Offer to send them an autographed
complimentary copy.

6. Don’t forget to place this test information and results
into your marketing plan for your agent/publisher. It does
make the world of different on if it is accepted.

7. How about a Cub Scouts or Girl Scouts group? Find a few
leaders and ask for their help in your goal. A local
community center director might also have some ideas for how
you can do the same in their center.

Catherine Franz, a Certified Professional Coach, specializes
in infoproduct development. Newsletters and additional
articles available: http://www.abundancecenter.com
blog: http://abundance.blogs.com/inthelight

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