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By: Bob McElwain

When writing most anything, the objective is produce copy
that is easy to read. This is particularly true on the Web,
because chances are the majority of your visitors and newsletter
readers are in hurry-up mode. They'll pass on anything that
seems hard to read. Here are ways you can improve the
readability of your work.

1) The simplest word available is the best choice.

Mark Twain often got paid by the word. He once commented he
preferred city over metropolis. Sure, the "joke" is that he got
paid for either word, and that city is quicker and easier to
write. But he also knew it made his work easier to read.

2) Avoid using adverbs and adjectives.

"This is very hard to do."

"This is awfully hard to do."

"This is hard to do."

Which of the above do you feel is the best? I've asked a
loaded question here, for "best" doesn't really apply. To
strengthen your work, minimize the use of qualifiers. There
is simply no question here. The last form is the strongest.

The point? Adverbs such as "very" and "awfully" often
weaken, rather than strengthen. In the previous sentence I was
forced to use "often," for without it the sentence is not true.
That is, adverbs and adjectives do not always mess things up.
But they often or usually do.

Alternatively, consider breaking the flow. Then hit hard.
For the above, try:

"This is an awesome task."

This is a stronger claim than, "This is hard to do." Which is
best depends upon the way you want to make your point and who
you want to make it to.

3) Keep sentences as short as possible.

Above, "This is hard to do," is also the better choice, for
it's shorter. Here's a sentence I wrote for another purpose.
(I'll refer below to this as the, "Original.")

"Subheadings must flow from the headline, revealing the
major benefits so that at the end of the page, the reader has
a good feel for the content, even when only the headlines are

It's much, much to long. 34 words. While it's not hard
to read, it does slow reading because the length makes it more
difficult to follow. Personally, I try to hold to under 15
words, and less whenever possible. Even though it's longer
(45 words), the following revision is easier to read.

Revision #1: "Subheadings should flow from the headline.
Each should reveal a major benefit to the reader. And at the
end of the page, you want the reader to have a good feel for the
content. This matters because most only scan the headlines and

4) Seek brevity and eliminate unnecessary words.

Revision #2: "Subheadings flow from the headline. Each
reveals a major benefit to the reader. Collectively they need
to describe page content. This matters because often only
subheadings are scanned."

This version is only 28 words. Which of the above do you
prefer? Actually this is another trick question in two ways.

First, it's the wrong question. You should be asking what
your readers prefer. The better question is which of the three
versions best makes the point clear to your readers? And which
will they find easiest to read?

Second, what you prefer does not matter. That's just
personal reading taste. What does matter is which of the above
better fits the way you want to write.

I might use the original form to introduce a topic. Then
follow up with a paragraph or two about each of the key points
included or implied in the sentence. However, Revision #1 is
stronger, and usually my choice.

5) Use Bulleted Text

Revision #2 is a bit blunt. It doesn't flow well from
beginning to end. If your writing tends to be in this form,
use lots of bulleted text. In this format, brief works great.
Further, there's no requirement for even complete sentences.

Subheadings ...

> Flow from the headline

> Reveal a major benefit to the reader

> Collectively describe page content

> Are often all your visitors sees when scanning

Bulletting allows brevity. And it makes it easy for your
readers to follow. One thing I love about this format is that
it adds more space to the page. It helps to erase that sense
of great black globs of text.

6) Edit and rewrite. Then do it again. And again.

Editing often lifts modest work to first rate. But to
make this happen, think of this fundamental task as more than
editing. Think of it as rewriting. Do so routinely, and your
work will improve with every piece you write. Always seek ...

> A better word than one you have used, and a simpler one
is best

> Try to replace several words with fewer

> Rewrite an entire sentence, even a paragraph, if
you can find a way to make your point more clearly
and/or briefly

Wrapping Up

You can beef up your writing just as you can improve any
skill. All it takes is time. In the above, the need for
rewriting part of your work is the item most often overlooked.

It's tough to impossible to keep all such ideas in mind as
you seek to communicate your thoughts. One effective approach
is to focus on one idea each time you begin writing.

If you seek to improve one aspect of your work in each
writing session, then edit and rewrite, your work will
constantly improve. Try it. And see for yourself.

Bob McElwain, author of "Your Path To Success."
How to build ANY business you want, just the
way you want it, with only pocket money.

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