If you write and/or publish books of any kind, you need to get your
books reviewed. Why? Because it can dramatically increase your sales.
Here is a quick list of 5 ways a review can help to increase your
1. Massive Exposure -- Book reviews are picked up and distributed
across the web, and throughout a variety of print publications.
Having your book review distributed widely can get it seen by
hundreds of thousands of people.
2. Eliminate Buy Fright -- Writing a book is one thing, and if you're
a known expert in your field then you already have much of the
credibility needed to drive sales. If you are a new author however,
not widely known, or available only in non-traditional book formats,
you may not be fully trusted by the general reading public. Getting a
professional review of your book lends credibility to the title and
helps to remove any skeptism, or "buy fright" that your customers
might have.
3. Word of Mouth Referrals -- When customers read a review that
interests them, they tend to pass the word to friends, family and
associates. Some people even do this for books they might not like
when they think a family member or close friend might enjoy it.
4. Impulse Buyers -- Reviews that are found through simple browsing,
reading and word of mouth can generate instant impulse purchases. If
the reader likes what they've read in the review, they are more
likely to click through to the purchase site and buy it immediately.
5. Greater Credibility -- Testimonials from satisfied customers help
to increase sales, and objective reviews work the exact same way. A
well-written review however, will explain both the strengths and
weaknesses of your book -- this makes the readers trust the review
Testimonials *always* say great things. You've heard the saying "if
it sounds too good to be true it probably is"? This can be the case
with testimonials... they risk making the book sound *too* good. And
how is a reader to know whether those testimonials didn't actually
come from a friend? A review is more objective and thus the readers
are likely to feel more informed. This makes them more comfortable
with purchasing the book.
So, no matter what kind of book you have: Print on Demand,
Electronic, Self-Published; Get it reviewed and use that review to
start increasing your book sales.
EBookCritique.com ~ Home of the Expidited Book Review. Attention
Authors & Publishers! A book review will generate publicity and
sales! Visit http://www.ebookcritique.com to see how you can get your
book reviewed within 3 short weeks!