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25 Ways to Promote Your Writing Business

By: Maggie Lichtenberg, PCC, Writing and Publishing Coach

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Contact info: maggie@maggielichtenberg.com
Word count: 325


© 1999-2003 Maggie Klee Lichtenberg, PCC
Writing and Publishing Coach

1. Start with a change you’ll need to make if you plan to be successful: Get over being shy.

2. Have the mindset to consistently take initiatives. Never stop. It’s not enough to create one brilliant direct mail campaign. Repeat the mailing to your list two or three times. And never, never, never take an initiative without following up.

3. Plan one marketing effort each day. Every Sunday evening or Monday morning choose a theme for your week and mark that theme in your calendar each day for the coming week.

4. Develop a PR plan for you and your business. Work with a publicist to land features and interviews. Create a simple press kit that contains your mission statement, a warm and friendly letter including company bio, press coverage, personal testimonials, and a professional b&w photo of you.

5. Show up a lot -- be seen. Tell everyone what you're up to. Always have a book, a press kit, or a flyer about your company ready to give away.

6. Have a short, laser-sharp intro about yourself -- 20 words or less -- ready to go at all times. Be a graceful, yet tireless, self-promoter.

7. Commit to public speaking. Join a Toastmasters group for six months to increase confidence. Build positive relationships with everyone you play with.

8. Create an audio tape business card and give it away. This is an inexpensive, more three-dimensional opportunity to share an experience of you.

9. Involve yourself in your community on an issue you are passionate about. In the giving you will receive.

10. Offer articles on what you’re doing to local media and professional newsletters.
Write about where your passion comes from. Share who you are and why you aredevoting this stage of your life to this endeavor.

Watch for next month’s installment! Visit www.maggielichtenberg.com!

© Copyright 1999-2003 Maggie Klee Lichtenberg, PCC, Professional Certified Writing and Publishing Coach, and former publishing company executive (Beacon Press, Simon & Schuster, Bantam, Grove). Inspiring you to complete, publish, market, and distribute your work.

Maggie Klee Lichtenberg is a business and personal coach, whose specialties include book publishing. A former marketing and sales publishing company executive for 20 years in New York and Boston (Simon & Schuster, Bantam, Grove Press, Beacon Press), from Santa Fe, New Mexico, Maggie works with aspiring and seasoned authors and publishers to happily complete, publish, market, and distribute their books through a customized program of ongoing telephone appointments.

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