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10 Successful Strategies For Profitable Sales Letters

By: Grady Smith

1) Start with a headline. Right up front give your
products strongest benefit. Make a promise in your
headline, and then explain how the promise and
benefits work to the customers potential in the
body of your sales letter.

2) Tell a story. Give a little of yourself in your
sales presentation. Let the reader know you, your
hopes and dreams. Share the disappointments you
encountered along the way, and divulge how you
overcame them. Nothing endears a reader and turns
them into a customer quicker than knowing who
they’re handing their money to.

3) Sell your product hard. Grab your products best
benefits and assemble them into easy to skim
exciting mini bulleted headlines. I’ve often
purchased products online after reading the first
three benefits and seeing one or two I need.

4) Give the reader something to think about.
Present them with questions that keep them
interested and make them think. “Are you ready to
take your business to the next level”? “Are you
willing to invest in your financial future?” “Can
you really afford to walk away from this offer”?

5) Sell your product with confidence. Assume that
anyone with any sense is going to buy your
product. Use phrases like “With your order today.”
This is an assumptive phrase. Everyone wants to
act like they know what’s going on, and some will
even feel wrong not having the product because
your sales letter presents it like there’s no
other option for them.

6) Write your sales letter from your customer’s
perspective. Put yourself in his or her shoes as
you compose it and really feel what someone
visiting your site is feeling.

7) Place strong calls to action and offer
additional bonuses for ordering now. You’ll see
this on every infomercial you watch. Bonuses worth
ten times the cost and large flashing letters that
scream order now! A call to action instructs to
act now, and it works! Plus, if the potential
customer doesn’t order at that instant, chances
are slim they’ll make the purchase later.

8) Give multiply ordering opportunities. Make it
easy to pay by placing links in multiple places.
Use bold print to make them stand out. Create a
mini headline for your order link that makes it
hard to resist clicking it.

9) Appeal to the reader’s dream. Center in on what
they hope to accomplish by visiting your site, and
tell them how you’re going to give it to them. If
your classified ad was for an offer to make money
online, then you know these people have dreams of
working in their underwear. Address that dream,
and you’ve made yourself a customer.

10) And finally, offer a strong satisfaction
guarantee, and you’ve got a sales letter that
grabs the reader by the throat and doesn’t let go
until they input their credit card information.

Grady Smith offers 4 FREE e-books to build your
business FAST! http://www.mountainhighpub.com
Get 3 FREE secrets to super charged sales letters
that makes you BIG profits! Grady now offers his
copywriting services, and will give you a FREE
critique of your current sales materials:

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