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“How To Make Your Headlines Sell”

By: Trevor Levine

If you want to maximize your sales, then your ad copy
must open up with a GREAT headline that declares:

"Here's The **BIG** Benefit You'll Get When You Read
What's Below!"

It must GRAB your prospect's attention!

But it shouldn't sound the same as your competitors'
ads. On the contrary, it should:

- Distinguish you from your competition...
- Be specific, not vague....
- Be believable

In short, your headline is the "advertisement" for
everything that follows. If it doesn't tell your prospects WHY they should keep reading...


In other words, many of the prospects who might have
bought from you will move on, leaving you with


According to a well-known study, the headline of a
typical newspaper ad is read by 5 times as many people
as the body of that same ad.

This is why some copywriters spend as much time
perfecting an ad's headline as they spend on the entire
body of that ad. By simply improving your headline, you


A full page newspaper ad with the headline "2/3 Bank
Financing On Silver And Gold" was generating $50,000 in
revenue for its advertiser.

However, when one of my colleagues re-wrote the headline
(leaving the body intact), revenue from this same ad
exploded to $250,000! That's a 500% increase! The new
headline read:

"If Gold Is Selling For $300 An Ounce, Send Us Just
$100 An Ounce, And We'll Send You All The Gold You
Want. If Silver Is Selling For $100 An Ounce, Send Us
Just $33 An Ounce, And We'll Send You All The Silver
You Want."


When your headlines and offers are truly compelling,
they can open your doors to a WINDFALL of new business.
There's no sense in settling for a lower response from
your advertising dollars than you should be getting, is

Author Trevor Levine and his expert copywriters beat
control letters for Corey Rudl, Mypoints, Aweber, and
many others. If your copywriting budget is $1,000+, visit them at www.marketingexperts.com for a free consultation.

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