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Winning Entries for 2005 Contest #2

Theme: "Letters to God"

1st Place - Joli Williston

Dear God:

I watched my little girl get on a bus for the first time this morning and drive away. I watched her little blonde head shining in the bright morning sun. I watched her turn and give me one last look, a little unsure but so proud. I bit my lip and tried to give her an encouraging smile as a thousand emotions assaulted me. She didn't know that a piece of my heart was riding away on that yellow bus with her.

Sitting inside our empty house afterwards, the tears began to fall. I found a comfy old chair and for the better part of an hour I let them fall. I felt so sad and alone, like I had lost something I could never get back. My heart ached for her and I longed to have her with me. I wonder how you felt as your only Son hung upon a cross dying for the sins of all. Did your heart ache? Did you long to hold him? Did the tears fall? Did you feel so alone? Did a piece of you ride away as you watched?

You may wonder why I write this letter to you today, after all you were there. When she got on that bus, you got on with her. When I walked into our empty house with a heavy heart, you walked with me. Every teardrop that fell you saw it, every hurt, you felt it. With compassion, you watched. But I write this letter on her behalf; it is my prayer for her.

God, I ask that you be with her each and every day that she gets on that bus. Be my ears in that classroom and my eyes on the playground. If ever she needs a hug, be my arms. Surround her with your peace and love, be a comfort to her when she's not with us. Protect her and keep her safe, keep her from harm and all manner of evil. When she needs me, be close to her, encourage and embrace her. Be her refuge in a time of need. Let her feel your love always and shelter her with your mercy. Let her be confident in you. Help her to be a light, shining for all to see that your name would be glorified. May she feel free to speak your name in a public school where prayer is frowned upon, may she share you with her friends. Lastly, may you dwell in her heart always and watch over her forever.


Payge's Mommy

2nd Place - Louise Borg

Dear God,

The other day I thought I saw your face as I looked at the silver walls of the gorge rising out of the blue mediterranean waters in the distance. It was there fleetingly in the crevices and holes hiding behind the flora and fauna that inhabit it. It hung precariously from holes drilled into the rock by the hands of time, drifting from behind red and yellow flowers waving and fluttering in the breeze. But when I looked again, your face had gone and I could only glimpse evidence of history engraved in the rocks and nature itself standing proudly on it.

Then again, I thought I saw your face amongst the crowd of humanity that crowded the boat entering our shores illegally. The gleaming blue waters were reflecting shards of light into your tired eyes and I thought I saw you screening them with a dark hand glistening with crusts of salt crystals deposited from the sea, the only kind of water it had touched for many hours. But it wasn't you. It was the teacher from Somalia, who mistakenly thought the road to paradise was negotiable, reachable across the Mediterranean Sea in the devil's own boat. But he found instead a hell hot rock baking in the summer sun.

And once again, my mistake when I thought I saw your face in the London blast. It was covered in blood and you were dazed. Your arms were burnt and your clothes in shreds. You had been trapped for hours before you were saved. But as I looked closer it was just a young girl who had lost an Italian friend, an acquaintance newly made. You were not there.

And was that you trapped in the car under water in New Orleans? Was your face the one riding on the howling wind of Cathrina, gloating and ferocious? Or was it the one crying tears of rain, drowning everything in sight? Was it in the aftermath of your wrath that I saw your face. But no, it wasn't you, it was global warming, nature at its greatness - at its worst.

And I thought I saw you in the mirror, last night as I combed my hair. You were reflected in the irises of my eyes but as I peeked closer I only saw my bright brown eyes. I tried to look deeper, to see right through my heart, but it was dark and I heard only the rhythmic thumping. 72 beats per minute, the heart pumping blood.

So I'll send this letter into cyberspace and look for you there. Across the screen into empty space, perhaps you're trapped inside the web, struggling to free yourself from its shimmering threads. I look forward for your reply although I know you won't answer me back.

Yours faithfully,
Louise Borg

3rd Place - Samantha Baker

Dear God,

There's been no rain for a while now.

You know, I never really thought about you much when I was younger. Life was too busy, I guess. Always rushing this way, then that way. Never stopping for a moment's rest. Always something to do, something to get done. It's the way of youth.

Although, I guess nothing has really changed.

But there were times when I'd think about you. Not often, but those periods did exist. Strange times. Usually caught me a little bit off-guard. Like when Mum died. Except I didn't so much just think of you as rail against you, and swear to hate you. I don't think I really meant that.

But maybe I did. I don't know. That period of my life seemed like a haze, now. There's almost nothing left of it. Oh, it's probably in there somewhere, hidden away behind a locked door. Problem is, I don't know where the key is. Or who locked it in there in the first place. Whether it was me ...

... or whether it was you.

If you did, you probably had your reasons. That's what everyone says, isn't it?
"Strange are the ways of the Lord". Or something like that.

Maybe it was to protect me. Seems to make sense if I look at it that way. It was a pretty hurtful period of my life. From what little I have managed to squeeze out from under that locked door, it was just about the worst experience I've ever gone through.

Or maybe it's just my body working in self-defence. Yeah, that'd be it. Instinct. They all reckon we've got animal instincts of self-preservation.

I suppose that could be it.

But then why am I talking to you?

Am I talking to you? Or am I just talking to myself?

I'll answer my own question: probably.

What is it about humans that makes us reach out for something bigger than ourselves? I'm sure you know the answer. If you exist. And if you don't, what the hell are we searching for then?

What a paradox.

They say there is not one group of people on the planet who don't have some form of religion. Well, except for modern society. We're too busy. Too important. Too worried about ourselves, and not enough about others. Too concerned about today, and not concerned enough about tomorrow.

Bah. What a load of crock.

Maybe it's part of those animal instincts. Looking for God. Finding religion. Getting ourselves "enlightened". Always loved that word. Reminds me of lighting up a fag.

(Mental note to self: probably shouldn't tell that joke in a church.)

You probably don't mind, though. I mean, if you created everything, then you created humour. I'm sure you wouldn't mind a few jokes at your expense. Or is that the devil's work? Ah, who cares, it's still funny. And if you're gonna send me to hell, you're gonna send me to hell anyway, jokes or no jokes.

So I might as well laugh.

I wonder what Heaven's like.

I wonder if Heaven exists.

Sounds like one of those too good to be true sorta deals to me. Buy one, get one free. But what they don't tell is that the first one you buy is more expensive than if you bought two of them anyway.

You know what? If I was you, I think I'd go around and do a lot more miracles. Get the Hallelujah's happening. I mean, c'mon, when was your last big show? I don't mean just some piddly little vision or anything. I mean the big stuff. The stuff that you'd expect to be accompanied by grand choruses and fireworks, hat throwing and free beer in the streets. The kind of events that have "BIG SUPERNATURAL OCCURENCE - CAN'T MISS IT" written all over them.

Then again, I guess that's not your style. Even the whole resurrection thing wasn't very huge. Just a couple of gals and one angel bloke standing around in a dusty cave, saying, "Hmm, looks like he's bolted."

But just one miracle would be nice ...?


Ah well. It's not like I really expected lightning and a huge voice from the clouds booming, "I AM GOD. WORSHIP ME. DO AS I SAY. GET ME A SCOTCH." But it would have been a great conversation starter (i.e. pickup line). I can just imagine it:

"Hey, did you know that I got visited by God last night?"

"No! Tell me more ..."

Chicks dig that stuff.

Well, seeing as how you've fallen through on the miracle department, I'll just be heading back to bed, then.

Thanks for nothing.

And there's no way I'm saying"Amen". So you can just forget that.



P.S. That's strange. It's started to rain ...

Nah. Coincidence.

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