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Rate This Contest Entry: Contest: June 30th, 2005 Author: Lan Kang When the most impressive memories of your childhood were water gun fights, bicycle rides, and laughing till your voice gave out, life was never unbearable. The only real nuisance was the scorching summer heat; but like all childhood woes, there was always a solution: the sanctuary of the neighborhood swimming pool, welcoming the smell of chlorine and warm spit. I was not the biggest or the toughest kid on the block but I had something no other kids had: a set of orange floatation devices cupped around my chubby little hands. With it, I couldn’t walk three steps without falling on my knees. That didn’t stop me. You see, I had my own little pool overlooking the parking lot. From a distance, it was not bigger than sandbox. The only difference was that one was filled with sand the other filled with water. Statistics was no deterrent to a young man’s pride. My God, I was the master of that pool. At time, I would perform underwater acrobatics, diving deep into the ocean floor. I only resurfaced because I had to come up for air. But I told myself I had held my breath for an hour. Was that no ridiculous? Yes, I laid flat on my back and flapped my wings to make a water angel, if there were such an invention. As long as I didn’t choke on water I deemed it a success. Other time, I was young Marco Polo circumnavigating the Pacific Ocean. Making the engine sound, I would doodle around the pool’s circumference until my back gave out. I was satisfied my little pool. I was the king of that pool. One day, I looked over to the big pool, then my little pool, then back to my big pool. But something in my mind snapped, I wanted to show them was could do whatever they were doing too. I wanted to conquer the big pool too. Several days on now, I still kept myself occupied until my infant mind could devise a plan to bypass security. I knew I had to get pass the “girl lady”; she was the mean life guard who would shush me back if I wander too far from those familiar fences of the baby pool. One day, a crowd of people came. This was the perfect diversion. As strange people approached the entrance I ran behind them masquerading as having “adult supervision.” Before I ran to the fence gate I tripped, but I knew big boys don’t cry. I got up and kept on my dignity. Those few seconds of anticipation felt like a life time. My mind was racing when I finally gazed into the impassive depth of the ocean. I could see my own reflection; but somehow, he was a stranger to me. The solid concrete was so different from what I was accustomed to. I didn’t know how deep the water or if I could say afloat. I didn’t know what I would do after I got into the water. One thing was for sure, I knew I had to dive in with a big splash if the other kids would notice me. I tried dispensing of the orange floats grappling against my chubby little arms. If the big kids didn’t need it, I didn’t need it. Beside, where was the glory in that. The floats did want to let go. I felt the rubber burning my skin as I wiggled and shook my body believing that will do the trick. “Get off you looser,” I yelled at this personified being. He was no better than the lifeguard. I finally wrestled one free and the second was less hassle. The moment of truth had come; I inched toward the water. Something in my heart held my back a little. My child conscious was right. Fear was trying to sabotage my plan, just like all the other culprits. “Don’t think too hard now,” I reassured myself. All I had to do was close my eyes and jump. I convinced my legs for take off, and I was in the water before the count of three. Suddenly, cold water rushed into my noise. It swallowed me like a white blood cell swallowing strange bacteria. The world was caving in on me. Yet, all I wanted to do was to stretch out my hands and dance in victory. Was I breathing, drowning, those details weren’t important. What was important was how I felt. For those brief moments, I felt like a king. Nothing could stop me. Nothing could oust me from my pedestal. I was wrong. From the background I heard an old lady screaming. I felt a pair of strange hands ceasing my wrist. Suddenly, my feet left water. I felt someone had hollowed out my tiny heart. I wanted to cry. Trying to hold back the tears, I knew big boys didn’t cry. She was yelling something to the lifeguard, but I didn’t hear want she was saying. All I wanted to do was to yell “let go” because her hands were too tight around my wrist. When childhood had passed, realization slowly sank in. I didn’t consider how deep the water was or whether I could swim or not. When I held out my hands writhing in victory, death was truly the victor. But to this day, the little piece of heart couldn’t bring myself to thank the strange lady for saving my life. I don’t know if I ever will. people have rated it so far. is the current average. |
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