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Rate This Contest Entry: Contest: June 30th, 2005 Author: Colleen Lau Molly opened her eyes after a long night of tears to find herself still stuck in the same teenage wasteland that she’d been trying to avoid. There was no way she was going to get through the day alone. “MOM! I don’t feel good...I’m gunna stay home today” Molly insisted rather reluctantly, seeing as how she had never missed a day of school. “Hunny, I don’t care how ‘sick’ you are, I don’t care if you have peas growing out your nose...,” Molly’s mother replied, “...You’re going to school!” Eh, it was worth a shot. Molly slowly inched her way around the house that morning, dreading the thought of seven hours of torture before she could return to her solitary confinement. She hopped in the shower in her perfect bathroom, put on her designer clothes from her perfect closet, got into her perfect red Audi, and drove head on towards her not so prefect reality at River Brooke High. Molly tried to keep her false smile plastered to her face as best she could, yet she couldn’t help but notice every pair of eyes follow her as she walked to her locker. All she could hear was “Oh my god did you hear about Molly...” or “I can’t believe she...” until finally she was saved. “Morning, sunshine!” Sam hollered down the hall, trying to drowned out all unnecessary noise. “You look like you could use a makeup job with a side of coffee!” “Yeah, it was a rough night, I guess. I’m surprised you are even talking to me...does that mean you believe me?” Molly questioned anxiously. “Of course I do, you’re my best friend. Everyone else sucks. They are just too bored with their own lives, so they like to feed off yours, even if its just a rumor.” “Yeah, but no one will even look at me. Somehow in the past twenty-four hours I’ve managed to lose my friends and my boyfriend. Mike won’t even give me a chance!” “Trust me...give it a week, and no one will even remember any of this because something even more ridiculous than this will come up and the whole school will latch on like bate. Until then...I’m here and that’s all you need.” Sam walked with Molly to class as she sunk beneath her designer scarf, trying not to be seen. They both knew this was going to be a loooong week. As Mrs. Crawford stood in front of the class rambling on about nuclear chemistry, all Molly could think about was the rumor. The weekend before had caused such a rucuss for her and it was completely out of her control. The so-called “mean girls” of her senior class had spread a vicious rumor about her and a boy named Justin at a party last weekend. Molly had never been called such degrading names or received such threatening looks from everyone around her. The worst part was Justin’s girlfriend, or ex-girlfriend, was out to get Molly. Melanie Swanson...enough said. Her name alone put chills down Molly’s body. She normally wasn’t the type to fear anything, but this girl was definitely someone to hide from. This was Justin’s ex, who along with the rest of the school believed all the gossip being thrown around the hallways of River Brooke High. Molly knew that she would have to explain herself to Melanie if she didn’t clear this up fast. . Luckily Molly had time to hide from her problems after school at soccer practice. Although the girls on the team were rather short with her that day, Molly got the most out of her workout. No one went out of their way to pass her the ball in any of the drills, but she still ran harder than any of them. Every time there was a water break, Molly hoped that one of her teammates would confront her about it instead of going off and whispering. So much for teamwork. Molly didn’t feel quite like she was part of the team that day. After practice, Molly returned to the dungeon in her room. She had to do something before she went crazy. Molly knew that she couldn’t rely on anyone else at the party to take her side because they were all drunk and wouldn’t have remembered even being there.. The only thing she had left to try was to talk to Justin himself, and hopefully come up with something. “Hello?” After a few rings Justin answered aukwardly. “Hey, it’s Molly...we need to talk.” “Hi. I dunno if it’s such a good idea that we talk...I mean it might just give people more of a reason to believe everything they’ve been hearing.” “OK, well im not hanging up until we fix this. I don’t understand why nobody believes us. There has to be something we can do!” The tone is Molly’s voice caused a short pause in Justin’s response. “Well we didn’t even talk at the party, so I don’t get how people can say that we left together. We just happened to leave at the same time, and unfortunately we were both alone. I’ve already tried explaining this to Melanie but the other girls have already gotten to her head.” “I wish there was something I could say to her, but it’s not likely she would listen to me. Sam is the only one who believes me and she’s trying to talk to the girls and get them to spill, but they’ve been pretty creative with the details, making it very believable. I don’t get why they hate me so much” “WAIT...I have an idea!” Justin screamed into the phone. “Melanie’s sister has gym class with those girls, and she’s kinda gotten to be pretty close with them. I’m sure if I asked her she could get something out of them.” “Eh, it’s worth a shot, but don’t count on it. They’re hard to crack...but good luck with that.” Molly wasn’t so optimistic about Justin’s idea, but something told her it might work. In the meantime, she spent most of her time having staged conversations with her mirror, pretending it was Melanie, or sometimes she pretended it was her own ex, Mike. Mike was perfect for Molly, or at lease up until now. She never expected him not to trust her. All she wanted was for him to hold her, and comfort her, and tell her everything was going to be ok, but he wouldn’t even return her calls. Molly couldn’t handle not talking to him, he was her other half. The one way she always got her feelings out was to write, so Molly opened up her journal and said what she needed to say. Mike- I know things have been crazy lately, but you need to hear me out. I’ve tried talking to you about this and you just won’t listen. First of all, just to make things clear-nothing happened with me and Justin. You know we are just friends and you should trust me instead of joining in on the gossip. But you know what, this isn’t even about Justin and the damn rumor, because all it’s gunna do is stick around for a couple days until people find something better to talk about. The only thing I really care about in this situation is you, and I hate the fact that all you can do is run away from this at the first sign of doubt. You’re better than that...we’re better than that, and you know it. Please call me. -Molly Molly folded the note up, feeling a lot better, and passed out. The sound of the alarm clock sent that all too familiar feeling of nervousness through Molly’s stomach as she awoke to another day in Hell. She walked out of the bathroom after her shower to find Sam lounging on her bed, fully clothed and ready to go. “I just thought it would be fun to get some coffee together before school.” Sam suggested. “You up for it?” “Of course. Lemme throw some clothes on grab my things.” Molly shoved her books in her backpack and grabbed the note tightly in her hand as she slid it into her pocket. On the way to school, she told Sam about Justin’s plan and she read her the note she wrote to Mike. Sam approved of both before they walked into school. Once again Molly’s plastic smile appeared as she stepped foot in Hell. Fortunately the first person she crossed paths with that morning was Mike. She held her chin up with nothing to be ashamed of as she slipped the note from her pocket to his and continued on her way. For just that one second, she felt her fake smile quickly fade to reality as she looked him in the eye before turning away. Somehow Molly made it through the day without too many scars on the inside. Before she knew it she was off to soccer practice. On her way up the fields, she passed Justin in the parking lot and he gave her a sort of confusing smile, as if he knew something she didn’t. Molly kept walking and didn’t think much of it. She went through another day of practice like usual, except this one wasn’t as bad as yesterday’s for some reason. As Molly got into her car, she noticed her cell phone blinking with a voice message. Her heart jumped when she saw that the missed call was from Mike. She hurried to dial her voice mail and listen to his message as she drove home. “Hey Mols, it’s me. Ummmm...I just wanted to talk whenever you get a chance. I’m really sorry I’ve been such a jerk. You were right and I never should have not trusted you. I’m really sorry, but just gimme a call whenever so we can talk. Love you bye.” Molly had never felt so relieved in her life, nor had she ever driven so fast to get home. The minute she walked in the door, she ran to her room to call him back. “Hey, it’s Molly. I got your message.” There were butterflies in her stomach as she spoke to him for the first time in a week. “Hey babe...I’m so sorry. I was sitting in class today and I just realized that I am so lucky to have you and that it shouldn’t matter what anyone else says because I trust you and you trust me.” That was all that Molly needed to hear. She was whole again, and other than the rumor still being out there, she knew things would slowly fit back together. When Molly hung up the phone with Mike, she had a missed call from Sam. people have rated it so far. is the current average. |
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