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Contest: June 30th, 2005

Author: Josh Barrett

I never thought it would end this way. I sat strapped in the chair, surrounded by a group of people made up of strangers and those I love most. I saw my wife, who seemed desperate to keep herself composed, even though the incandescent light reflected off her tears more than the glasses of the woman sitting behind her. My attention settled on the needle in my arm. It irritated slightly but soon that wouldn’t matter. As the executioner neared, I began to remember the events that led to this. My first significant memory was from a month ago.

I was once the most respected psychiatrist in America. My wife was a lovely woman who worked as a teller at one of the larger banks close to where we lived in New York City. My life appeared to be perfect. The perfection my life appeared to have was matched only by its monotony. I worked a full week, and made house calls to some patients who needed serious attention. I took only one week of vacation a year, beside occasional sick days. Needless to say I needed something new.

The answer came a month ago when I began to plan my vacation. I went online to try and find something to do. I found a site that got my attention. It was for a company called Alternative Entertainment, or AE, that offered a role playing scenario in which you requested to be someone for one week and they would set up the experience. You could even allow them to pick a lifestyle for you based on a psychological evaluation. The website gave an address to go to for more information. I went to the address and had the evaluation so they could chose my first experience. After the test they told me that the experience would begin in a few weeks, and that I wouldn’t be informed of what I was going to be until then. I went home, thinking that this was going to be the best vacation of all.

The morning the experience was to start I woke up an hour earlier than normal. I awoke expecting to see something different in my house, or someone waiting to give me instructions. But from the looks of it the house was the same, and there was no one waiting on me. I got up and went to look around to see if I had missed something. After two hours of looking, I decided that it wasn’t time to start yet, so I got the newspaper and sat down at the breakfast table. After having no luck focusing, I sat it down on the table and stood. I couldn’t understand why nothing had happened yet. It was now noon, so I decided to go back to AE’s website to see if something was wrong. When I typed in the company’s web address, the computer said there was no website by that name. I thought it was an error in the computer, so I got dressed and went down to AE’s headquarters. When I got there the building was completely empty and looked like it had been for some time. I asked a person on the street if there had ever been anything in the building. He told me that it had been empty for as long as he could remember.

I spent the next three days at home on the computer, trying to find something that would give me a clue as to what happened. On the fourth day I met a person in a chat room who claimed the same thing had happened to her. She warned me to stop looking or else they would kill me. Being experienced in the art of spotting a liar, it was easy to see she wasn’t telling the truth. I told her to meet me at my favorite restaurant, and after I gave her directions I thought of how I would handle her. I went to the place where I kept my gun. It was for emergencies only, so it had collected some dust. I stuck the gun in my pocket and left.

When I got to the restaurant it was easy to spot her because she was the only one alone. I walked to the table and sat down quietly. If she knew anything about me from working at AE, she would have known I would see through her. She told me that I should stop trying to find AE because when she did she was threatened with death. It was such blatant lie that I snapped instantly. I jumped up from the table, pulled the gun from my pocket, pointed it right between her eyes, and began screaming for her to tell me everything she knew about AE. Amid the screams of the people in the restaurant I could hear her say she didn’t know anything. I asked her again, and she answered the same. As soon as she uttered the last word I pulled the trigger.

So now here I am, sitting in this chair with a needle in my arm. As the executioner starts the injection, I go over the events of the past week in my head again. I can’t believe that in one week I went from respected psychiatrist to convicted felon.

Wait a minute. One week? It’s only been one week since this started? That means this could still be part of the experience. Could everything that happened in the last week be part of the experience? The website, the gun, the woman, the trial; could it all have been part of an elaborate plot to give me an entertaining vacation? Every fabric of my being tells me that it wasn’t, but a small part of me believes it’s possible. My eyes fall shut, and I lose consciousness, knowing that I will never wake up again, but in some small way believing that I will wake up in my bed.

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