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Rate This Contest Entry: Contest: June 30th, 2005 Author: Dare Dutter I had a teacher back in high school who practically ruined my life. He was not a very good teacher, but he had a lot of influence in what happened to me in my school career. He used to make fun of the fat or short kids. You really spent most of your time trying to avoid his glance, because if he spotted you, he would find some way to embarrass you. He had a special gift for finding the one thing you disliked about yourself and telling the whole class about it. One day, I wrote an essay about a vacation my family had taken to Canada. I basically made it all up because my family was too poor to even take a vacation, let alone go all the way to Canada. After I had written this essay, I was discussing it with him. He said; “Let me ask you, did you feel the bump that lets you know when you’ve left the US and entered Canada when you went over the Peace Bridge?” I had no idea what he was talking about, so I said; “Of course.” He laughed at me and what he did next had a profound affect on what I did later in life. He said very loudly; “Hey class, Dexter here said he felt the bump you go over when you enter Canada from the US.” Anyone want to tell him he’s a lying piece of trash?” The whole class sat and looked at me in stunned silence. I could feel my face redden and I simply closed my eyes and willed it all to go away. When I opened them, everyone was in various degrees of turning back to what they were doing, but my teacher was looking at me with a triumphant look on his face. A few weeks later, I saw my teacher in the grocery store. He was with his wife and she saw me say a very reluctant hello to him. She came up to me in the store and asked me what my problem was with her husband. I told her I didn’t know what she was talking about, and she said that I was lying. She said; “You have a problem telling the truth. That’s why you have a problem with my husband.” After this, I told my parents what both of them had said. They were not very helpful. They told me that the teacher was always right and that I should just do the best I could. When he embarrassed my best friend in the same way, I just snapped. My friend and I hatched a plan to get back at him. We told the rest of our class at lunch that we were going to plant a fake story that he would try to embarrass us with. We told them to start laughing at him when he told us about it. We decided to do it the next day in class. The plan was that my friend would tell me that he had gotten someone pregnant and that this would “accidentally” be overheard by the teacher. The female in question would be his wife! He would tell me that his girlfriend was named Jennifer, (his wife’s name), that she lived on Cherry Street (his street) and that she worked at the local real estate office (his wife’s job). As we sat in class, the plan unfolded. While the teacher was near, my friend whispered to me, “I got a problem. My girlfriend Jennifer is pregnant.” I asked him what he was going to do. He said he was going over to the real estate office and get her and try to talk her into an abortion. I turned to look at the teacher and he was staring at me and my friend in an incredulous way. He finished the class in a distracted manner, and we did not see him the next day at school. Then all hell broke loose in our town. We were sitting in the lunch room when sirens screamed by in the street. We ran outside and saw our teacher sitting in his car in the parking lot of the school. He had blood all over him and was drunk, with beer cans spilling out of his car when he opened the door. The police cars surrounded him and the cops approached him with guns drawn. One cop yelled, “I am arresting you for the murder of your wife.” We were completely stunned! He had gone and murdered his wife over our little prank! The police questioned us and we just told them about what we had done and why. The lieutenant said that it was ironic that he believed us and killed his wife. My friend and I went to the funeral of the teacher’s wife. We also went to visit our teacher in jail. We did not say anything to him, but he said plenty to us. He told us that this was all our fault and that we should never have told those lies about his wife. He said that if he was executed, his death would be on our heads. We never really thought of it that way. Our state executed him seven years later. I was just starting my career as a journalist and I went to see him on death row. He was still very angry with me and blamed me for what was going to happen to him. I was there when he was executed. It was all very strange. I haven’t told a lie since. people have rated it so far. is the current average. |
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